140- We've all got baggage

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==========140- We've all got baggageBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I love you Leah

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140- We've all got baggage
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you Leah. But I know your heart belongs to someone else."- Henry Price

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Alison, Emily and Hanna wak into Sara's room at the Radley to find it a complete mess.
"Did she check out or get hurled out?" Ali asks.
"This must be what the inside of Sara Harveys head looks like." Em says.
"I would've made her lick the carpet before she left." Hann says.
"Ok, let's show Ali the closet." I sat starting to walk over.
"Ugh. Who leaves coleslaw in the middle of the floor?" Hann asks.
"Hanna closet." Em says as I open the closet doors.
"When you asked the front desk did they know why she left so fast?" Ali asks Hanna.
"What do you think? She's not racing off to a messies anonymous meeting, she knows we're onto her." Hann replies.
"It's gone! There's no hole!" I say freaking out.
"What that's impossible." Hann says as her and Em come over to look as well.
"There's not even a seam where the hole use to be." I tell them.
"Guys, maybe this wasn't her room." Ali says.
"Don't. Stop cutting Sara any slack, ok? I don't care how much she claimed to have loved Charlotte like a sister, this girl has two faces." Em says.
The door then opens and we all hide in the closet.
"We should leave." Ali says.
"No." Hann says. "Guys, if my mom found out I used that keycard..."
"We don't have to introduce ourselves. We just have to walk out the door." Em says as I continue to look for the hole.
"Please stop." Hann whispers.
"I'm not leaving here until we can get back down there, ok? Ali doesn't even believe it exists." I tell her.
"I'm didn;t say that. I'm just trying to understand why she would stalk you guys." Ali says.
"Because she thinsk we have something to do with Charlotte's murder." I reply. "She thinsk we know who did it."
"Shh!" Em and Hann say.
"Ok, let's move." Hann says before we all run out the room.


Leah's P.O.V
I was with Ezra in his apartment. He was going over some paper work and writing a bit of his book while I was going through some film and tv show roles that I have been offered on my laptop.
"Have you ever considered having your book turned into a movie?" I ask.
"If I got the offer to, most likely yeah." He says. "But I would only expect the offer if they casted you in it."
"Just because they don't cast me doesn't mean you shouldn't take the offer. It will boost you book so much. I mean, do you know how many books became most popular after they were turned into movies?" I ask.
"I guess." He says before my phone goes off.
'Hey, we need to talk when I get down to Rosewood later.'
"Everything ok?" Ezra asks.
"Yeah, it's just Henry." I answer.
"Isn't he getting down here in a couple hours?" He asks.
"Yeah he is." I reply.
"I haven't seen him since you guys set a date for your wedding." He says.
It was true, we had set the date. 26th of next month.
"Well he's coming here when he arrives so you'll see him later." I tell him closing my laptop. "I'm going to go get a drink downstairs, you want anything?"
"No thanks, I'm ok." He says.
I give him a small smile before walking downstairs.

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