20-Everything is ok

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==========20-Everything is okBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I guess it will be as long as I have you

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20-Everything is ok
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I guess it will be as long as I have you."-Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
I have been back in Rosewood for a few days now. I found it hard at first but I was getting through it with the help of Mike and the girls. I decided to go straight back into my normal life and pretend that nothing has happened. I know that may sound bad but I am finding it easier and if I didn't I would just stay locked in my room all day. Which isn't good.
Right now I was with Spencer and Emily. We were walking into Spencer's kitchen.
"I feel like whole parts of my brain has shut down." Spencer says. "I used to love algebra. Or at least I understood it. And now it's a mess."
"well, it can get really abstract." Em reminds her as she grabs some drinks out of the fridge.
"Yeah, but that's what I liked about it. You know? Xs, Ys, Zs... none of its real." Spencer replies handing me and Em each a drink before going to one of the draws. "I could deal with that. Just isolate the X factor. But now I feel like I am the X factor."
"Honey, where were you?" Spencer's mum asks coming down the stairs.
"We stopped along the way at Leah's." Spencer answers.
"Now, don't worry. I was expecting this." Mrs Hastings says. "It's mostly about intimidation, so I want you to stay calm."
"Stay calm about what?" Spencer asks.
"They served a search warrant." Mrs Hastings says putting a envelope on the counter.
"A search warrant?" I ask as Spencer picks up the envelope.
"For where? For what?" Spencer asks.
"The house, the barn, your room..." Mrs Hastings answers.
"My room!" Spencer says before rushing to go upstairs.
"Look Spencer, honey, don't interfere." Her mum tells her as her ,me and Em all follow her upstairs. "Honey."
We get upstairs and Spencer starts to talk to her mom about this more before me, her and Em see Ian looking at us.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at tschool in the cateen with Emily, Aria and Hanna. Spencer had decided to stay home because of what happened yesterday with the police. Hanna was showing us a photo of a owl memory stick which Caleb was going to give to her.
"It's beautiful Hanna." I tell her looking at the photo. "When did he give it to you?"
"He hasn't given it to me yet. I found it." Hanna answers. "I wasn't looking for it, but I found it. I toke a picture and put it right back."
"Why an owl?" Emily asks.
"It's symbolic." Hanna replies.
"Of what?" Aria asks.
"Of out first night in the tent." Hanna responds as Em gives Hanna her phone back. "We heard owls."
"Swooping down to carry off their prey?" I ask.
"Ok you can not stop the romance." Hanna says as I let out a small laugh. "Owls, tents and smores, are all part of that night. Every perfect moment of it."
"Have you two had... another opportunity?" Em asks.
"Not since he went in the guest room but we do have plans." Hann answers.
We all look at eachother a smile before looking over to were we hear Paige and Sean talking.
"When did that start happening?" Aria asks.
"Oh, Em. Don't worry about it. It's totally cool." Hanna tells Em seeing that she had a worried look on her face. "I mean, the break up was way messy, but, Sean's a good guy. He deserves to be happy."
Hanna then decides to start practising her surprise face for when Caleb gives her the memory stick. We all laugh as Spencer comes and sits down.
"Hey, you ok?" Emily asks.
"Yeah, we didn't think you were coming in today." Aria says.
"I had to be some place other then my house." Spencer answers.
"Are the cops still there?" Hanna asks.
"They came and went." Spencer answers.
"They actually toke things?" I ask.
"Not so much. My mom says they did it just to shake me up." Spencer replies.
"What'd they take?" Aria asks.
"Things from my jewelry box, stuff from my cloest and couple pairs of shoes..." Spencer lists.
"Wait. Not the Tory Burches." Hanna says.
"Hanna." I tell are in a tone telling her not to say that.
"No, sneakers." Spencr answers. "They wanted my laptop but my mom said no. It wasn't in the search warrent so they couldn't have it. Look, you guys should know that theres a chance they may try to pull this on you."
"Search our rooms?" Emily asks.
"My mom says it's a possiblilty. I'm so sorry." Spencer tells us.
"No, it's not your fault." I tell her.
"Yeah, we know who's responsible for this." Hanna reminds her.
"I should have known that, that trophy was some kind of trap. It's like I can hear 'A' laughing in my head." Spencer tells us.
"Does 'A' sound like Jenna?" Aria asks.
Spencer's phone then goes off.
"It's my mom. She wants me home." Spence tells us. "Walk me out."
We all nod and go to walk her out but I see Mike signalling for my to go over.
"Hey, I think Mike want's to talk to me. Is it ok if I go over to him?" I ask not wanting to ditch Spencer.
"Of course." Sencer tells me before I give her a smile.
"Keep me updated and call me if you need anything ok." I tell her hugging her.
"I will. Thank you." Spencer says before I pull away and gie her another smile before going over to Mike.

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