04-Missing you

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==========04-Missing youBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I miss her, so much

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04-Missing you
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I miss her, so much."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I was walking to a bench with the girls and they had been filling me in on everything that happened at school yesterday as I wasn't in.

"How bad did your mum bust you over wrecking Sean's car?" I ask Hanna.
"Ok, I did not wreck it. I damaged it." Hanna replies. "And actually, everyone's being really mature about it."
"Oh." Emily says.
"There's no 'oh' we're just being grown ups, that's all." Hanna responds.

We had made it to the bench.
"Ok, so the town is going to put in a new bench, and we'll plant the flowerbeds, and there's going to be a pathway of art tiles." Aria explains.
"Art tiles?" Spencer asks.
"Messages, pictures, memories of Alison." I tell her.
"Oh like little headstones." Hanna says happily.
"Hanna!" Me and Aria say at the same time.
"What?!" She replies.
"We should each do a tile." Emily suggests.
"You know, I've had Alison's bracelet since the day we found it in the woods, and I don't want to responsibility anymore." Hanna says taking Ali's bracelet out of her bag.
"I don't want it." Aria says as Hanna holds it out to her.
"Seriously, somebody take this." Hanna says when no one goes to get it.
"Fine." I say with a sigh taking the bracelet.
"Look at us. Bunch of babies." Spencer says. There was a few moments of silence until Spencer speaks again. "There is nothing 'A' can say or do it get us into trouble without making trouble for herself."
"Are you sure it's a her?" I ask.
"Him, her. Doesn't make a difference." Spencer replies getting her laptop out of her bag.
"What are you doing?" Emily asks as Spencer starts typing.
"I'm going to block all messages from people that I don't know." Spencer answers. "IMS, text, emails, everything. Screw 'A' she then finishes what she is doing. "There. Who's next?"
Emily then grabs the laptop and sits where Spencer was sitting as Spence comes and stands next to me as we see Mr.Fitz on a bike.
"I spy with my little eye something that begins with 'F'" Spencer says.
"Hey Mr Fitz." I call over as I wave and he waved back.
"Looking good, Mr.Fitz!" Spencer shouts.
Aria goes over and sits next to Emily as she finishes doing the same thing Spencer had done.
"My turn." Aria says grabbing the laptop.
"There are teaches that you don't want to see on a bike, and there are teaches that you do want to see on a bike." Spencer says.
"I would not want to see Mr Gilardi on a bike." Hanna replies.
"I don't want to think of Mr Gilardi in motion of any kind." Emily says.
"Ah, mr.Fitz." Hanna says.
"Leah. Your turn." Aria says cutting Hanna off.
I do what I have to do before handing the laptop to Hanna.
"You talk to Ben?" Spencer asks as Hanna sits next to me on the bench.
"Nothing to talk about." Emily replies.
"So you're really done?" I ask looking at her sincerly.
"It's ok. I'm fine." Emily tells us.
"Ok. If you say so." I reply.
Hanna sighs as she finishes blocking any messages from 'A'
"I wish we had a drum roll for this." Hanna says. "All right here it goes. We are offically 'A' proofed."
"Yeah." Aria says in agreement as I shut the laptop lid.
"Listen." Spencer says. "All those little messages zipping through the air all around us."
"Yep, and none of them from 'A'" I add.
"This feels like a good thing." Emily says as she sits down next to Aria who is sat next to me.
"Of course it's a good thing." Hanna says. "Out of mind out of sight."
A peice of paper comes floating towards us. I pcik it up to see it is one of the missing posters about Ali. Written on it was 'Ding Dong the bitch is dead' in red.
We all look around to see who could have done it as I screw the paper up. After a few moments we get up and leave.

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