22-This isn't goodbye

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==========22-This isn't goodbyeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "This isn't goodbye to them, Leah

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22-This isn't goodbye
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"This isn't goodbye to them, Leah. It's just see you later."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were sitting on Emily's bed still watching the videos. Only the video we were watching now wasn't about us.
"Is that Jenna?" Hanna asks.
"You're late." Jenna says in the video.
"Who is she talking to?" I ask.
"Toby." Spencer says sitting forward.
"It's not right." Tiby tells Jenna in the video.
"There's nothing wrong about us Toby." Jenna says wrapping her arms around his neck. "We're not really related. It would be so easy to convince your daddy and my moomy that you have been forcing yourself on me."
We continue to watch in disgust and shock as Jnna takes Toby's top off.
"Turn it off." Spencer tells us.
I grab her hand as Emily closes the laptop lid.
"Do you realise what these videos are?" I ask. "There of us, Ali, Jenna. We are younh girls in our bedroom changing clothes. We're naked!"
"Exposed." Aria says.
"Do you think someone was watching us and getting off on it?" Hanna asks.
"Well we all know someone who had a thing for younger girls." Spencer says.
"I feel sick." Emily says.
"In some of these we were just kids." I say.
"Ian's been watching us for years." Aria says.
"And he killed Alison to make syre nobody ever found out." Spencer says.
"I wish Ali would have told us about these videos." Emily says.
"Guys, it is not to late to help her." Spencer says standing up and taking the memory sticks out of the laptop. "We can use this to prove that Ian killed Alison,"
"How are we going to do that?" I ask.
"We start my finding out what Jenna knows." Spencer answers.
"Are you on something?" Aria asks.
"Jenna's at the top of our 'A' list." Hanna adds.
"I get that, but she knows that these videos exists. She was looking for them. That's why she gired Caleb to find the key." Spencer replies.
"Spence, how are we supposed to believe anything that bitch says?" I ask.
"If that bitch is 'A'. Then this could be a reap." Em adds on.
"Guys, Ian was watching all of us. For all we know he still is." Aria says. "Spencer's right we have to try."
"We've been afraid of her since the Jenna thing. Now we finally have something that she wants. Alison gave it to us." Spencer says.
We all look at her knowing she is right before nodding.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at school. I was going to be leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. I was at my locker when Jenna walks past. I look at the girls who were across the corridor before they start to follow Jenna as I turn to Mike who was stood next to me.
"Hey, I got to go. I'll see you in class." I tell him.
"Ok." He says before kissing me.
I smile at him before following the girls and we walk into the classroom where Jenna was.
"Who's there?" Jenna asks hearing us come in.
"It's Spencer." Spencer tells us before Jenna turns to face us.
"Who else?" She asks.
"Aria, Emily Leah... and Hanna." Spencer answers.
"Should I get security?" Jenna asks.
"We have what you hired Caleb to find." I tell her.
"You didn't think it was wrong, but Toby did." Emily says.
"So you've seen it?" Jenna asks.
"Every frame." I reply.
"What do you want from me?" Jenna questions.
"The truth." Hanna tells her. "Can you handle that?"
"Did Alison relly come visit you in the hospital?" Aria asks.
"Look, when I told you Ali came to visit me in the hospital, I was telling the truth. She didn't come to talk about you, Spencer. That was a lie." Jenna answers.
"And how do we know you aren't lying to us now?" Spencer asks.
"You knew Alison, ok? You knew what she was cable of." Jenna replies.
"We're listening." I tell her.
"It was the day before she went missing, and she was on her way home from Georgia." Jenna says causing us all to look at eachother. "She had just found the video, she couldn't wait to play it for me. She threatened me. She said if I ever came back to Rosewood she would bury me."
"She was on her way home from Georgia?" Spencer asks.
"Th... that's what she said. Then she made some joke about her... tan. Too bad I couldn't see it." Jenna replies.
"Did she tell you anything else?" I ask.
"It was a short visit." Jenna answers. "Look. I...I have giving you what you asked for. What are you going to give me?"
"We'll make sure the video stays in a safe place." Spencer tells her.
"OK." She says quietly before walking to the door. "We've all made mistakes. Remember, I'm still paying for yours."
Jenna then leaves and we all turn to face eachother.
"For all we know she wrote that story." Aria tells us.
"And we still don't know how Ali got the video." Em adds.
"Yes we do. That video was Alison's insurance policy and she cashed it in the day she got it." Spencer says.
"Which means she was with Ian when she found it." I say.
"And she couldn't wait to play that video for Jenna." Spencer says.
"God, you remeber how happy Ali was when she came back from that trip?" I remind them. "I think it was because for her the Jenna thing was over."
"Nice of her to share the safety net with her." Hanna says jokingly.
"Wait for it girls. Wait for it." Emily says.
"Wait for what?" Spencer asks.
"That's what Ali said when we met her at the taxi." Emily answers. "Maybe that's what we were waiting for."
"Do you remember at Ali's funeral, when we were wondering why Jenna was there." Aria says. "If shes telling the truth, Jenna came back because she could."
"And Ali's the one who got buried." I say.

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