33-I must confess

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==========33- I must confessBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little liars"I love you Leah, I always have and always will

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33- I must confess
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little liars
"I love you Leah, I always have and always will. I don't want to go another day without you."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It was early in the morning and Hanna had called me, Aria and Spencer to tell us she couldn't find Emily. So right now we were all over at Hanna's calling people. It was abit awkward after everything that has happened with Jason but I'm trying to forget about that for now so we can find Emily.
"Yeah, we weren't sure, we just thought that maybe she... Yeah thanks." Spencer says whist she is on the phone with someone before hanging up. "She's not at swim practise."
"No, I told you. She's not allowed near the pool." Hanna says.
"Guys, all of her clothes are here." I say from my position by the wardrobe before I walk over to the girls. "You think she did something crazy?"
"Like what?" Aria asks.
"Like jump in her car and burn rubber till she gets to Texas." I say.
"And leave everything behind? She didn't even take her phone." Spencer says.
"I wouldn't either if I were her." I tell her. "I mean 'A' had his, hers, its hands around her neck and he keeps reminding her of it."
"I mean she hasn't slept in weeks." Hanna says.
"Who has?" Aria asks.
"Hanna did you see this?" Spencer asks handing Hanna the phone.
"Is this you?" Hanna asks Aria showing me and her the phone which had a photo of Aria and Ezr kissing.
"Of course it's me." Aria says.
"Well, unless you are Aria's mom, just assume it's Spencer. You know slutting it up." Spencer says.
"Hey she also thought it was me." I remind her.
"When did she get that?" Aria asks.
"3:07am. And it came with a text. 'Clue Ella in and I will let you out.- A." I say.
"Give me this." Aria says taking the phone off me.
"Aria, chill, Emily would never send that to your mother." Hann says.
"Well, of course she wouldn't because she can't, cause she left her phone here and left in the middle of the night. I mean, where the hell is she?" Spencer asks.
"Where does '' have to do this?" I ask. "I know you guys are going to think I am crazy but I wish 'A' was doing this to me and not Em."
"Why would you want that?" Aria asks.
"I haven't had a message from 'A' in a long time." I tell them.
"'A' knows that Ali cared for you and would never hurt you. The bitch probably wants us to still think it's Ali." Spencer says.
I sigh and nod as I look down.
"Maybe we should go to Dr Sullivan. Maybe Emily's talked to her." I suggest.
"That's a good idea." Hanna says before we all grab our bags and head to Dr Sullivan's office.

Dr Sullivan's office...

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Aria, Spencer and Hanna were all sat in Dr Sullivan office with her when there was a knock on the door. She looks at us before getting up and going to answer it.
"Hi." A familiar voice says to her. "I'm ready... to talk."
"Good. Come in and join us." Dr Sullivan says. Em then walks in very confused but when she sees us she looks down. "Your friends have been worried about you."
"Em, why didn't you at least wake me? I was sleeping five feet away from you." Hanna asks.
"I can't keep asking my friends to take care of me." Em replies.
"Emily, look, if you were seriously thinking about going to Texas..." I start.
"I didn't have any plans." Emily says cutting me off. "I just knew the longer I saed here the worse it was going to get. And I'm not going to be used as a bowling ball to knock down my best friends."
"Emily, we aew sitting here because of you." Spencer tells her. "None of us think that you..."
"That I'm the weakest link." Em says. "Yeah well sombody else does."
"Who?" Anne asks causing us all to look at her. "Who's using you to knock down your friends?"
"Somebody has been trying to hurt us." I tell her after a moment of awkward silence. "For a long time."
"What do you mean?" Anne asks.
We all look at eachother briefly.
"Um... well..." Aria says before we start telling her everything about 'A'. Well I did all the other girls looked to nervous to speak.
"When did these threats begin?" Anne asks after we had told her everything. "Did the text start coming after Alison's funeral?"
"Before." Em says.
"At first we thought they were coming from Alison." Aria adds.
"But then they found her. Her body." I finish off.
"And you have no clue who this 'A' person might be?" Anne asks.
"We do, but..." Hanna says.
"We've been wrong before." Spencer adds. "'A' is a expert in making people look guilty."
"Do we think this person goes to your school?" Dr Sullivan asks.
"Maybe but its not like we go home and we are suddenly safe." Hann says.
"'A' is everywhere. Constantly on us." I say. "Like a shadow."
"And I'm the first person you told about this?" Anne asks causing us all to nod. "Why have you waited this long to say something?"
We all stay silent and look at eachother before Anne starts asking us some more questions before we leave.

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