155- These boots were made for stalking

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==========155- These bots were made for stalkingBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It's good to see you're doing ok

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155- These bots were made for stalking
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's good to see you're doing ok."- Mona Vanderwaal

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were stood around the board game as it continued to play the video of us digging up Rollins.
"Can it see us or not?" Aria asks.
"Guess."Ali says."It's punishing Hanna for attacking it with a steak knife."
"This is ridiculous." Em says turning the phone off.
"Emily. If this person knows we killed Rollins..." Hann starts saying.
"Why are you giving them that much power?" Em asks.
"'Them' is a vindictive blind girl." I point out. 
"This can't be just Jenna." Aria says.
"Why not?" Ali asks.
"Because she's a vindictive blind girl." Hann replies. "How is she suppose to create a board game if she can't even tell if her blouse is on inside out?"
"Well didn't stop anyone from selling her a fire arm." I point out.
"Ok, we're not playing this game." Em says.
"To late." Hanna mutters to herself.
It was safe to say Hanna was the most annoyed with her.
"I said I was sorry." Spence says.
"Spence, you don't have to apologies. We get it." Aria tells her.
"Get what? That letter was bait, Aria." Hann says.  "Like a fat, juicy worm that was stuck on an electric hook."
"From Jenna. Who had help." Ali points out.
"Her help is dead." Hann responds. "His head rolled over your feet remember?"
"Forget Noel Kahn. What about that Sydney what's her face." I ask, remembering that that bitch was back in town.
"Oh please. Let's not go there." Em says.
"Em, we've already been there." Spence reminds her. "Jenna once tried to use her as a spy..."
"Ok, it's not about who started the game. It's how they are getting exactly what they want. We're all scrambling like mice like we're still in high school." Em replies.
"You are." Hann replies.
Em was now the swim couch at the high school.
"I park in the facualty lot now Hanna, ok?" Em replies. "And I'm not going to let Jenna or Sydney or any other sadistic freak who's watched jumanji to many times to turn me into a tenth grade victim again."
"They have footage of us burying Rollin's body." Spence says. "If that get's out to the police..."
"Then we tell the police what we left out when we thought Hanna was kidnapped." Em replies. "Alison was tortured by this freak. He deserved way worse."
"I agree with you Emily, and it might not be first degree murder but we still kind of broke a few laws." Spence says.
"Yeah. But not enough the play this game. Ok I'm done. I mean it." Em says before leaving.
"She doesn't get to just walk out like that." Hann says.
"Hann, I was the one driving the car. It's not her fault. If you guys don't want to play the game I'll go down to the station and tell them the truth about what happened. I'll tell them I did it by myself and you guys had nothing to do with it." I tell them going to grab my coat.
"No you're not, Leah." Aria says grabbing my arm.
"Leah, we're in this together." Hann says.
"Yeah, we aren't going to let you go down for this by yourself.We're the ones who buried him." Spence says.
"Thanks guys." I say hugging them.
"Lea, we've got to go." Aria says.
"For...?" I ask.
"Meeting holding to sort out the menu for the wedding." She says.
"Oh right of course." I say as we both grab our bags and coat.
"Have fun." Ali calls.
"We will." Aria replies before we leave.

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