119- Bloody hell

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==========119- Bloody bellBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "If I ever go missing

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119- Bloody bell
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"If I ever go missing. You'll find me at the beach. Either surfing or watching the sunset or sunrise."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
The girls had wanted to come see Ali so I agreed to come with them as the peace maker. Sure I still weren't offically friends with the girls again but I had come to see Ali mutliple times.
Currently me, Aria, Spencer and Emily were waiting in a room for Ali to bring them in. The other three were stand ing while I was sat down leaning back slightly.
"Did you hear back from Hanna?" Aria asks.
"I don't know. They have our cellphones." Em answers.
"Oh right." Aria says. "This feels werid."
"Yeah, of course it feels werid. We're in a locked room with razor wires on the roof." Spence replies.
"No, I mean coming here with our tails between our legs." Aria says causing me to laugh lightly causing them to all look at me.
"You don't think we owe her an apology?" Em asks looking back at Aria.
"Aria, we formed a human blockade." Spence says.
"She's locked in a jail cell because of us." Em adds.
"No she's locked in a cell because of karma." Aria replies. "And because of us."
"Well, I'e already apologised to her so this is all you guys." I say.
"Then why are you here?" Spence asks. "I thought you hated us."
"I don't hate you guys. I just can't forgive you guys quite, yet. But I am working on it." I answer. "Plus, I'm the only one here that Ali likes at the moment, so, if of me as the peace maker."
"Ok." Em say. "But listen, no one's saying she's a saint...."
"Or a decent human being." Spence adds.
"But she's on trail for a murder that she didn't commit." I point out.
"Mona set her up and then was killed herself, and now Ali's going down for it." Em says.
"What do you mean Mona set her up?" I ask.
"Did Mike not tell you?" Aria asks causing me to shake my head. "Well, it's complicated. We'll tell you when Ali is here."
"Anyways, I wouldn't wish what is happening to her on my worst enemy." Em says.
"Well she's definitely runner up." Aria says.
Ali then gets brought in.

Me, Aria, Emily and Spencer were sat on one side of the table while Ali was sat on the other.
"So what do you mean Mona set Ali up?" I ask.
"Well... uhm... 'A' threatened to kill you if Mona didn't help them get Ali in jail." Em tells me.
"So this was all a plan that Mona had?" Ali asks.
"And 'A'." Aria adds. "But yeah."
"And Mike knew this was a set up the entire time?" I question.
"Yep." Aria says.
"He was scared to say anything. He thought Mona was alive and didn't want to out her in danger." Em explains.
"So her plan was to just let me rot in here?" Ali asks.
"Only until she found out who 'A' was and then she was coming back." Spence says.
"And you'd be realeased." Em adds.
"But now she's... she's not coming back." Aria says.
"We're going to figure out a way to get you out of here, Al. I promise." I tell her causing her to nod slowly.
"Where's Hanna?" She asks.
"She really wanted to be here, but she had to spend the day with her mom." Spence explains.
"Your visiting hours over." The officer says coming into the room. "Let's go girls."
"We'll be back soon, ok?" Em tells her.
We all then go to leave.
"Aria? Lea?" Ali says causing me and Aria to stop look at the officer before walking over. "You know I am going to have to tell my lawers about Mike, right?"
"Ali, please don't do that." Aria says.
"His testomony might be the only thing that can save me." Ali replies.
"Al, please just hold off. I'll try finding Cyrus, he can lead me to 'A' and then we can get you out of here." I tell her.
"You've been looking for 'A' for..." Ali starts saying.
"No, we've been looking for 'A' henchman. We thought that 'A' was in a jail cell." Aria replies.
"Ok. I'll wait. But I want you to know. I'm not trying to hurt him." She tells us. I just might not have another choice."
Aria nods before leaving.
"So are you friends with them again?" Ali asks.
"Not yet. But, I'm working on it." I reply.
"Ok." She says with a small smile.
"Bye." I say quietly returning the smile.
"Bye." She replies quietly as well.
I then walk out the room. The girls were waiting for me by the door. We walk in silence to our cars. I get in mine turn the radio on a drive to the school to rehearse for the pageant.

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