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==========43- Code breakBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It doesn't matter what 'A' does

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It doesn't matter what 'A' does. That bitch can never make me turn on any of you."- Aria Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
"We're giving him all of it?" Em asks as me, her, Spencer, Hanna and Aria stand around Spencer's locker. "$2,000 is a lot of money."
"Emily, if he can finally tell me who 'A' is, I would hand over a million." Spencer tells her.
"Yeah, and not ask for change." I add.
"How'd you get the money so fast?" Aria asks.
"What? Um... Spencer has a relative." I reply looking at Spencer who was also looking at me.
"Which one?" Em asks.
"We promised we wouldn't say." Spencer says.
2So Leah get's to know and we don't?" Hann asks.
"I'm the one who has called and met with this person who will tell us who 'A' is. Don't you think I should get to know?" I ask.
"Fair point." Aria says.
"What time did Jonah say to meet him?" Em asks me.
"Um, 6. But, not all of us are going to go. It's just going to be me and Spencer, so we'll meet up with you guys afterwards." I tell them.
"Why just you two?" Hanna asks.
"Because I'm the face that he knows and she's the bank." I reply.
"If we crowd him he's going to think something's up." Spencer says.
"Something IS up. We are finally going to find out who has been torturing us since Ali's funeral and hello, I kind of want to be there for that." Aria says.
"Volume!" Spencer tells her.
"Hey ladies." Mona says coming up to us.
"Hey." We all reply.
It's still a bit awkward between me and Mona after what happened with Mike but I think we are both just trying to get past it.
"Ok, um, Hanna can I borrow you for a sec?" Mona asks.
The two of them walk away and the rest of us head to lunch.


Leah's P.O.V
I was sat on a bench with Spencer while we waited for Jonah to show up.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"5:58." Spencer answer after checking her watch.
I look around for a bit as I rub my knees with my hands anxiously.
"What time is it now?" I ask.
"Leah, it's still 5:58." She says. "Are you sure you want to do this. You and Aria look a lot alike I can just call her and she can come down."
"No I want to do this." I tell her.
"Your only 15." She points out.
"Nearly 16. My birthday's in a couple weeks." I remind her before spotting Jonah. "He's coming."
"Who's this?" He asks me as he gets to us.
"I'm the monery." Spencer says standing up.
"She is. She is the money." I say grabbing Spencer's arm and pulling her down again.
"So where is it?" Jonah asks.
"uh-uh. Not until you hand over the info." Spencer says standing up again.
"No way. I've already been burned once. It's not going to happen again." Jonah says.
I look at Spencer and she takes the moeny out of her pocket and hands it to me and I hand it to Jonah.
"Here." I say.
He checks how much is in there as me and Spencer look at eachother.
"Hear from Vivian yet?" He asks now looking at us causing us to look at eachother again before he hands us a piece of paper. "You don't owe me answers, but she does."
He then starts to walk away.
"This is it." I say before opening the folded paper up to find a address written on it.
"Hey, wait! No! Whoa! Wait!" Spencer shouts as we run after Jonah causing him to stop. "There's no name. No number. This is just an address. Where's the rest of it?"
"The text came from a burner phone. I was only able to trace the location." Jonah says.
"I- I don't believe this." Spencer says as we both look at him in disbelief.
"That's all I have Vivian and she was happy with it." Jonah says.
"Well, we're not, ok? You need to give me back half the money, because we ony got half the infomation." Spencer tells him.
"That was the money that was owed to me." Jonah reminds her. "The way I look at it you got the address for free."
Jonah then walks away and Spencer goes to follow him but I grab her arm to stop her.
"At least we got something." I tell her.
Spencer then scoffs before pulling her phone out and checking the location.
"It's 20 minutes from here." She says.
We go to leave but we see Garrett watching us.
"How long do you think he's been there for?" I ask.
"There's no way we are going to that address right now." Spencer says.
I then pull my phone out and message Hanna to say that the plans have changed before looking up.
"Shit." I say.
"What?" Spencer asks.
I then point to a group of people and Spencer looks as well.
"Is that Mike?" She asks as we both look at Mike and a couple people who he is still friends with across the road. "What is he doing here?"
"I have no clue. But do you think he saw us talking with Jonah?" I ask.
"I don't know." Spencer says shaking her head. "Come on. Let's get out of here."
I look at her and nod before we leave.

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