83- Bring down the hoe

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==========83- Bring down the hoe Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I like you, I do

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83- Bring down the hoe
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I like you, I do. But I like you as a friend. I'm in love with someone else. We can't be together."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I was with the girls, besides Hanna, and we were sat at a table in the outside area at school. I haven't seen Ethan since I ran away after we bumped into eachother.

Leah Hart was at school trying to find the giirls so she could tell them what happened with 'A' yesterday. While she was looking she bumped into someone causing her to drop all her books.
"Oh my god. I am so sorry." The young girl says as she kneels down to pick up her books.
"No, no. It's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." The person Leah had bumped into ressures her. "I was trying to find my classroom, I'm new. My name is..."
The new kid cuts himself off when him and the Hart girl makes eye contact.
"Ethan?" The Hart girl questions.
Stood in fron't of Leah Hart was Ethan Lloyd. The guy who kissed her while she was attending the camp in England.
"Leah. Hey." The Lloyd boy says. "I, uhm... how... how have you been?"
"I've been good." The Hart girl replies awkwardly. "What about you?"
"I've been good." He answers. "Hey where did you go a couple months ago. I woke up at camp the morning after I well... you know, and I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't find you anyway. People told me you left."
"Yeah, I did. I had to get back. My friend was really struggling with some stuff." I explain.
"Well, maybe we could talk now if that's ok, I mean I don't really have anyway to go besides class which isn't for another ten minutes, so maybe..." The boy cuts himself off once again looking down at the girls bandaged wrist. "Hey what happened to you wrist?"
"Oh, I uhm... I cut it. Look, I... I uhm... I really have to go. Sorry." The Hart girl says.
Leah hurries away leaving Ethan stood there confused.
_____End of Flashback_____

Leah's P.O.V
I didn't really know what to do about the situation with Ethan. I thought I would never see him again so didn't really think about what I would do if I did.
Emily had just finsihed telling us about how someone had been hiding out in the basement of Mrs D's house and we thought that it might of been Cece.
"Do you actually think she's been living in the crawl space?" Aria asks.
Aria there was a sleeping bag." Em says.
"Yeah, but nappings not living." Aria responds.
"Unless you're a reptile which kind of describes Cece." Spence says.
"Least the Cece that Mrs DiLaurentis remembers." Em adds.
"But not just Mrs D. Even Shana's scared of this girl." I remind them.
"Yeah, well I'm scared of Shana." Em says.
"She's not the one who used Jenna's head as batting practice at your birthday party." Aria points out.
"Yeah, why is Cece going after Jenna?" Spence asks.
"Why would she go after any of us?" I ask back. "We had nothing to do with her getting kicked out of College."
"We have no idea what Ali could have told her." Spence points out.
"What could Ali have possibly said to make Cece hate us enough to drill holes under Ali's house and stare up Emily's skirt?" Aria asks.
"How am I suppose to live in that house?" Em asks.
"Just hang out on the second floor." I suggest.
"And wear underwear at all times." Spence adds.
"Hey, what happened to your wrist?" Aria asks causing me to look down at my bandaged wrist, which I had completely forgotton about after Em had told us everything.
"Oh, um..." I say as Hanna sits done. "Where have you been?"
"Uh, my mom. She met another lawer." Hann answers.
"How'd it go?" Em asks.
"Not great." Hann says. ""They're all just bottom feeders trying to make a name for themselves."
"There's other ones." I ressure her.
"Lea, she's meet all of them. They don't care what happens to her. She's just case number 79." Hann responds.
"Your mom's going to find someone who really cares about her." Aria tells her.
"She already did." Hann says before looking at Spencer. "Why can't you just get your mom to ask the judge to get back on the case?"
"Cos 'A' toke her down, Hanna." Spence replies.
"Spencer, talk to her. Please. My mom trusts her. She needs her." Hann begs.
"I know, and my mom is not deserting her. She just has to figure out what kind of role she can play without compromising your mothers defence." Spence says.
I then see Em looking really anxious.
"You ok over there, Em?" I ask.
"What is she doing here?" Em replies.
"Who?" Spence asks.
"Lieutenant Tanner." Em says as we all spot her.
"Why is she at our school?" Hann asks.
"Doubt it's for the baked ziti." I say jokingly.
"Hello, ladies. May I join you?" Tanner asks before sitting down and looking at Emily. "I hear you and your mother moved in with a nieghbour. Must be nice not having to use a desk as an ironing board. Have you been back to your house since the accident?"
"No. I haven't." Em answers.
"Well, I'm just here, ladies to remind you that the local PD is still investagating." Tanner tells us.
"Did they find out whowas driving that car"? Em asks.
"No. Not yet." Tanner responds. "Oh, but they did find something interesting while sorting through the wreckage."
"What? What was it?" Spence asks.
"A shoe. A muddy shoe. Which believe it or not, matches the shoe prints from the Wilden crime scene. Which falls under my jurisdiction." Tanner says.
"Do they know who's shoe it is?" I ask as I see Hanna grabbing her bag to leave.
"Well we talked to your mother, Emily. We know it's not hers. And we have ways of testing these things out. You know DNA, other stuff." Tanner says lloking at Hann who was now stood up. "Something wrong, Hanna?"
"No. I just have to use the restroom." Hann tells her before walking away.
"Geez. I hope I didn't ruin anyones lunch." Tanner says before standing up. "Well I got work to do. I'll see you girls around.
Tanner then leaves.
"Let's go check on Hann." I say standing up.
"Wait Leah. You never answered my question. What happened to your wrist?" Aria asks.
"It's a long story but basically I was out. 'A' came up and pinned me against the wall and held a knife to my neck. Instead if cutting my neck however she cut my wrist." I say before putting my phone on the table so all the girls could see the screen which I had put on a photo of my wrist I toke yesterday so I could show the girls without taking the bandage off.
"Why the hell, wouldn't you call us about this?" Em asks.
"Everyone's going through enough right now. They don't need to be coming to my house late at night to help me sort out a cut wrist." I answer grabbing my phone. "I'm going to go catch up with Hanna. You guys coming?"
They all slowly nod before going inside.

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