133- Game over charles

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==========133- Game over CharlesBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"It's what has happened that has made me strong

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133- Game over Charles
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's what has happened that has made me strong."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were chasing after 'A'. We got to the roof and saw 'A' about to jump.
"Please don't do this!" Ali shouts as we hear police sirens down below. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you."
"Look, just because we know who you are doesn't mean the game's over." Spence tells themm as I grabb Ali's arm.
"Don't do this to your sister." Em tells them.
"You spent your whole life trying to get back to your family." Aria says.
"It's not to late." Hann adds.
"You've been such a bitch to us, but we heard your story. We understand." I inform them.
'A' then holds his arms out and we all scream.

Eariler that night...

Leah's P.O.V
"No answer." I tell the girls after getting the answer phone when I tried to call the DiLaurentis house.
"Try again." Em tells me.
I sigh before trying again only to get the voicemail a second time.
"Nobody's home." I tell them putting my phone back in my bag.
"Ali could be on the roof. Did anyone check there?" Em asks.
"Guys, we promised Toby that we would stay here until he escorted us out, remember?" Spence points out as Sara comes over to us.
"The guys are talking to Clark and Tanner." Sara tells us. "She's got a lot of questions. For all of us."
"Ok, well, how long do we have to stay here?" Em asks. "We ciuld be out there looking for her."
"Em, look, we have to believe that Charles isn't going to hurt Alison." Aria tells her. "She's his sister."
"Charles drove his car through my house, Aria!" Em replies. "I believe he'll hurt anyone how gets in his way."
We then hear rustling and I look in the broken mirror to see someone in a red coat walking behind us.
"Guys, we aren't alone in here." I tell them before we start walking to find the person.
"Are you sure you saw somebody?" Spence asks as we stop.
"Yeah. I'm sure." I answer.
"Ok, Leah. There's no way out of here." Hann says.
A doorway then opens and we all slowly walk through. A shadow appears on the wall before someone with a red clock and mask walk into view. They then take their mask off to revel Mona.
"God, Mona, you scared the crap out of us." Hann says.
"I've been following Alison since yesterday morning." Mona tells us. "I lost her when you guys jumped the cop."
"You know Clark was a cop?" Aria asks.
"Aria, maybe you thought he was also happy to see you, but I could never get past the buldge in his pants." Mona says.
"What is that?" I ask as there was a beeping sound and Mona pulls out a device from her pocket.
"I started snarfing Alison ever since she came back to town." Mona admits as Spencer stands next to her looking at the device. "Yesterday she started getting text, from Charles. I couldn't get a lock on where he was so Ided a system to decrput the signal source and..."
"What is it?" Spence asks.
"It took a while, but..." Mona says.
"Ok, Mona just finish the sentence, please." Em says.
"Charles has his own cellular network and the serveres are located at..." Mona starts.
"The Carissmi group." Spence cuts in looking at us.
"I knew it. Rhys is Charles." Hann says.
I then start to walk towarss the door.
"Lea, where are you going?" Aria asks.
"I'm going to go get Ali." I answer.
"I'm calling Tanner." Sara says.
"Fine, you do that. But I'm not waiting around to answer a million questions." I say before walking out with the others following me.

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