15-As long as I'm with her

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==========15-As long as I'm with you Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I feel like I can be myself when I'm with her

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15-As long as I'm with you
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I feel like I can be myself when I'm with her. That's why I love her."- Mike Montgomery.

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day after the dance-a-thon, Aria had come over to Spencer's last night and we all had just woken up by her shaking us. We were walking downstairs now talking about the whole situation going on with Ian.
"Wait where is, Ian?" Emily asks.
"Don't worry he went to Philly to be with Melissa." Spencer answers.
"I didn't know life exsited at this hour." I say as we make it to the bottom of the stairs.
"Come on, guys, just walk you need to see this." Aria tells us.
"I always hoped that my first sunrise would have tequeilla in it." Hanna says.
"I'll make coffee." Spencer tells us.
"Well, when its ready just pour it down my throat." Hanna tells her.
"I thoguht we were done looking at this." I says as Aria pulls up the photo of Ali on Spence's laptop and prints it off. "I mean, we know the shadow was Ian, right?"
"Did you seriously wake us up for this?" Emily asks as Aria goes to the printer and gets the photo out.
"It's important couldn't let it go." Aria says putting the picture down in front of us.
"Have you been up all night?" Hanna asks.
"Maybe." Aria replies.
"You have. One eye is bigger then the other." I point out.
"You look like a strung out power puff girl." hanna says.
"Ok, you two. Stop looking at the eye. Just look at the picture." Aria tells us causing me and Hanna to look at eachother and let out a small laugh.
"Who's having coffee?" Spencer asks.
"I will." I say.
"There's only one place where this picture could have been taken from." Aria points out.
"Which is?" Emily asks.
"Alison's bedroom." Aria answers,
"Aria, Alison is in the picutre, she clearly wasn't the one to take it." I tell her.
"But, somebody in her house did." Aria replies.
"Like who? Her parents?" Emily asks.
"No. Her brother." Aria answers.
"Jason." Spencer says as she looks at the picture which was now in her hands.
"My mom ran itno him at the bank. Which means..." Hanna says.
"He's back in town." I finish.
"But why?" Emily asks.
"We have to call him." Aria says.
"Eww. I am not going to talk to him." Hanna says.
"Me neither." Emily says.
"I will." Me and Spencer saay at the same time.
"Ok, Spencer you don't surprise me but Leah?" Aria says looking at me.
"What?" I ask. "I'm the only one who is actually close to him. He's like a big brother to me. I will talk to him.
"Ill go with you." Spencer says. "We need to lnow if he toke this."
"Ok, well. Let me know when you can go." I say standing up and going to go upstairs.
"Where are you going?" Emily asks.
"I'm going to get ready." i tell them. "I'm meeting with Mike in a bit."
"Ok." Spencer says. "Why don't we go see Jason before you meet Mike. I can call him and find out where he is."
"Ok." I reply.
I give them a small smile before heading upstairs.


Leah's P.O.V
"Ok. Let me start the coversation." I tell Spencer as we walk over to Jason why was running up and down the bleachers.
"Why?" Spencer asks.
"Because, me and him are closer then you and him." I reply.
"Hey." Jason says when he sees us.
"Hey Jason." I reply.
"Come on, Leah. I've known you long enough now. You can call me J." He tells me.
"We are sorry to interrpurt your workout." Spencer says grabbing my arm. "This can wait."
"Really?" Jason as as Spencer goes to walk away. "Didn't sound that way on the phone."
"What are you doing back in town?" I ask.
"Just, taking care of family busniess." He answers. "Why did you guys come here?"
"We wanted to see you." I tell him.
2I know there is something else. What you just said my be why you came but it's not why Spencer came." Jason replies.
Spencer gets the folder with the picture out of her bag and hands it to Jason.
"This was sent to me." She tells him. "It looks like it was taking from the second floor of your house."
"Yeah. It does." Jason replies.
"So, why do you sound not convinced?" I ask.
"Look, after Ali disappeared we got bizarre things in the mail." He replies. "Sympathy cards from strangers, letters with conspiracy theories about what happened to her. Sometimes there were photos. Blurry images of a blonde girl running away from the camera."
"Yeah. But, that's definitely Ali. And it's in my yard." Spencer points out. "It was taken the night she disappeared. She's got the same yellow top on."
"Spencer, they have programs now that makes photoshop look like scissors and a glue stick." Jason replies. "Look, my family hired a PI, I'll take the picutre to him and see what he comes up with."
Spencer nods before going to walk away.
"I'll..." I start.
"Spencer." jason says cutting me off and causing Spencer to turn around. "Ali's memorial was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was a jerk. I know that now."
"Well, that wasn't the term I would have used, but..." Spencer says trailing off. "It works."
Spencer then walks off and it's now just me and Jason.
"I got to go meet someone. But, I hope to see you around." I tell him before going to walk away.
"Hey, leah." He says getting me to stop and turn around.
"I'm sorry for what I was like with the memorial. I was a complete jerk to all of you. You had put in all this hard work and..." Jason starts rambling.
"Jason calm down." I tell him. "It's ok. She was your sister. You have the right to act out like that." I tell him.
"Thanks." He says with a small smile. "I heard your dating Mike Montgomery."
"Yeah, I am. But, my parents don't know yet. We are going to tell them tonight." I respond.
"Well, I am happy for you." He tells me.
"Thanks." i say with a small smile. "I better go."
"Yeah, bye Leah." He says.
"Bye Jason." I say before walking away.

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