17-New normal

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==========17-New normal Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I don't know what 'A' plans to do but I know we can face it

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17-New normal
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't know what 'A' plans to do but I know we can face it. Together."- Leah Hart.

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Hanna, Aria and Emily had all come over to Spencer's house. Me, Hanna, Emily and Spencer were sat on Spence's bed while Aria was sat in the window seat.
"You're sister's pregnant?" Hanna asks Spence. "How did that happen?"
"Figure pretty much the usual way." Spence replies as she types away on her laptop.
"It's not really a 'how' question, it's more of a 'why' question." I say.
"Well, I guess Melissa could have gone all maternal, but I doubt it." Spencer replies.
"This is so creepy." Hanna says.
"Where are they now?" Em asks.
"Philly, shopping." Spencer answers.
"What do you think this means?" I ask refering to a code that Toby had given Spencer.
"I don't know but Toby wanted us to have it." Spencer answers. "There." Spencer pulls up the braille code on her laptop. "It's in braille, so..."
"You want to see this Aria?" Emily asks.
"No I can see just fine from here." Aria replies looking at Hanna before looking back out the window.
"Ok." Spencer says looking at the code on the laptop and the paper. "The first letter's a B. Next is A."
"I think it's going to tell us who 'A' is." I tell them.
"D?" Spencer says in a questioning tone.
"B-A-D." Emily spells out.
"Bad." Hanna says.
"That's the whole message? Bad?" Spencer asks.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"It mean you got punked." Aria replies. "Toby doesn't trust us. I don't blame him."
"No, I don't think, he would mess with us like this." Emily says.
"You'd be surprised what people are capable of." Aria replies looking at Hanna again.
"You guys we have to figure this out." Spencer says. "This may be a joke, but it could be something real."
"Look, either way, Toby's not the enemy." Hanna says.
"You know what guys. I'm going to go." Aria says standing up and walking to the door.
I look at the girls before following Aria out the room.

"Aria. Wait." I tell her as we get to the bottom of the stairs. She turns to look at me. "What was all that about?"
"It's nothing." Aria says.
"Aria." I say giving her a look telling her I know she is lying.
"Seriously, Leah." Aria says. "It's nothing."
"You can tell me later. Let me grab my bag then I will come with you." I tell her. "Wait here."
"Wait, you're coming to my house?" Aria asks.
"Yeah, remember. My parents are going out of town early tomorrow and I am staying with you for a few nights." I remind her.
"Oh yeah of course." Aria says.
I give her a smile before going upstiars. I grab my bag and say bye to the girls before we go back to Aria's house.

At school the next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Aria and Hanna had made up. She had told me all about hanna giving her mom the ticket to the museum and I had convinced her to talk to Hanna which is when we found out about what's going on with Hanna and home and her money troubles. We had all offered to help which she was thankful for but declined.
Me, Emily and Spencer were now all sitting in the cafateria talking.
"You know, Aria, might be right about this." I tell them. "Toby does have every reason to give us a hard time."
"I suppose that's just not the feeling I got from talk to him." Spence replies. "Do you know what I mean?"
"I do." Emily says.
Then Aria and Hanna come up to us.
"What is with you and the Arthur Dodger?" Spencer asks Hanna.
"Who?" Hanna asks.
"She's talking about Caleb." Em tells her.
"I thought that thing at the swim meet was just a one off." I add.
"It was." Hanna replies.
"We just saw you talking to him, Hann." I inform her.
"And you gave him something that looked like a wet oven mit." Spencer adds.
"It was his hat." Hanna responds.
"What are you doing with his hat?" Em asks.
"Why shouldn't I have his hat?" Hanna asks back.
"Hanna." I say. "Maybe you are looking for something a little edger, after Sean, but this guy is dark."
"Leah, he's not that dark." Hanna says.
"He's dark enough." Em says.
"Well, he's no Arthur Dodger who ever that is." Hann replies.
"Yeah, he's just had it tough." Aria adds.
"Are you two on speaking terms again?" I ask leaning back in my chair slightly.
"Course we are." Aria replies as her and Hann smile at eachother.
"You need to be really careful about that guy, Hann." Em tells her.
"Well, it seems to me that we once had this conversation about Toby." Hanna fires back.
Before any of us could respond Paige McCuller's farther came in and started shouting at Mr.Fitz before Mr Fitz had lead him out.

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