10-The unexpected accident

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==========10-The unexpected accident Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "She knew too much-A

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10-The unexpected accident
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"She knew too much-A."- Aria Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
I was at Hanna's locker with her, Spencer, Aria and Emily while Hanna was looking at the mirror in her locker.
"I need to ask you guys something, I nedd you guys to be totally honest with me." Hanna says.
"Of course." I reply.
"Is this side of my face fatter then this side." Hanna asks turning her head side to side.
"No." We all tell her as she touches her face.
"Is that Ian?" I ask when I see Ian down the hall.
"Yeah. I hear he's the new field hockey couch." Hanna says.
"Does Melissa know he's back?" Emily asks.
"I don't know why she ever broke up with him." Hanna says.
"She didn't. He broke up with her." Spencer replies.
Mona then comes up to us.
"Hey, first one's for my bestie. Then one for each of you. My bestie's other friends." Mona says handing each of us something.
"What's this?" Aria asks.
"Oh, nothing only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever." Mona replies. "Camp Mona."
"Camp Mona?" I ask as her and Hanna smile at us.
"Don't let the camping part scare you. It's 'glamping', not camping." Mona tells us. "M is for Mona and massagges not mosquitoes."
Mona then spots some people and go over to them.
"Why is Mona inviting us to her birthday party?" Spencer asks with a laugh.
"Well, she knows that we are friends again, and she's just trying to reach out to you." Hanna answers. "She's trying to be nice. So, are you going to go?"
"I know she's your friend, but..." I say.
"I'm going to have to pass. I got this..." Aria says.
"I got a lot of stuff to do this weekend." Spencer tells her.
"Me too." Emily says in agreement.
We were about to walk away when all our phones go off.
"Camp Mona's a scavenger hunt and I'm the prize." I read out.
"Come and find me bitches." Hanna adds.
"A." We all say at the same time.
We all look at eachother before looking around.

The next morning...

Leah's P.O.V
I walk downstairs after getting ready for school. I go into the kitchen and see my mom making breakfast.
"Morning mom." I say as I put my bag down and go over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.
"Morning sweethear. Are you all packed for you flight in a few days?" Mom replies.
"Besides stuff that I will need between now and then yeah I am." I answer.
"Ok." Mom says handing me a plate of breakfast.
I eat breakfast and do the dishes before going to school.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at school talking with Emily, Hanna and Spencer while we waited for Aria to get here.
"What could they have found?" Hanna asks.
"I don't know." Spencer answers.
"Hey, what's going on?" Aria asks as she gets to where we are.
"The cops are here." I tell her.
"I heard they found something of Alison's." Spencer adds.
"Spencer hastings, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hanna Marin, Leah Hart, please come to the office." The PA says.

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