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==========24-Separate Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I'm not staying away from you, Leah

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I'm not staying away from you, Leah. I won't do that!"- Mike Montgomery.

Leah's P.O.V
Me and mom were driving back to Rosewood after just getting off the plane at the airport in Philly. My dad had stayed in Hawaii to finish packing up a few things at my grandparents house.
While we were driving I was looking out the window with my head resting in my hand which was resting on the window sill. While I was doing that my mom turned to look at me.
"What's on your mind, sweets?" My mom asks.
"I'm fine." I tell her.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Yes I am sure." I tell her as she pulls up to Emily's house we're I had asked her to take me. "Thanks mom."
I quickly get out the car and walk away from it without giving my mom chance to say anything else.

"'A had to have followed me to Ezra's." Aria says as we all look at a photo which 'A' had send her of her in front of Ezra's apartment. "He, she, shim must've seen me get that key from under the door mat."
"Let me see that." I tell her before she hands me her phone. "I see books, magazines, photos."
Hanna who was sitting next to me then smirks at Aria.
"What?" Aria asks.
"Is that a playboy?" Hanna asks.
"What?" Spencer asks.
"Right there, under the black thing on the cabinet." Hanna says.
"That black thing is called a type writer." I tell her.
"Hann, that's not a playboy. That's a playbill." Aria adds.
"I don't think what's missing matters. 'A' wants us to know that she can come and go through Ezra's apartment. When's it going to stop?" Emily says. "Remember where we were a few months ago?"
"Visiting me in the hospital." I reply.
"'A' hit Leah with a car and kept going." Emily says.
"'A' didn't even hesitate to push Ian." Spencer adds. "It was almost like it was no big deal."
"I don't want to be sitting next to you guys at another funeral." Emily says.
"I mean we were really close to telling her yesterday." Aria says.
"Wait you guys went yesterday?" I ask.
"Our parents wanted us to go as soon as possible." Spence says.
"Telling Ann wouldn't be like telling our parents." Em says. "I mean she has to keep it a secret right?"
"I know we promised Garrett we wouldn't show the video to the cops, but if we want Anne to believe us..." aria says.
"A picture worth a thousand words." Spencer says.
"You know she was wearing a gorgeous pair of khloes." Hanna says.
"And this is relevant to the situation because...?" I ask.
"You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes." Hanna replies.
"I really heard her. When she says we don't have to go through this alone." Em says.
"Do we all agree?" Spencer asks.
We all give her a slight nod as we look at eachother nervously.

At the counselling office...

Leah's P.O.V
"Thanks for seeing us today." Spencer says as we all sit down.
"It sounded like there was something you really wanted to tell me." Anne replies before looking at me. "You must be Leah." I give her a slight nod. "It's lovely to meet you."
I give her a small smile before Em speaks up.
"There's also something we wanted to show you." Em says grabbing the laptop.
"Just to make one thing clear. You aren't allowed to tell anyone anything we say in here, right?" I ask.
"Unless you tell me something that leads me to believe that you are a danger to yourself or to someone else." Anne answers.
"Ok." Aria says before looking over to Hanna who was staring at Anne's shoes. "Hanna?"
"I didn't know Tory made those boots in brown." Hanna says.
"Are you satisfied?" Spencer asks.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Hanna replies. "Go on Em."
"I think we should tell her first then show her." Em says.
"Yeah sure." I say in agreement.
"Leah?" Hanna says after there was a moment of silence.
"We did drift apart after Alison went missing... and it's true he's death brought us back together. But I don't know if we would be as close as we are now..." I start explaining.
"This talk is premature." Spencer says cutting me off causing us all to look at her confused.
We all look over to the self and me, Em and Hann see Ezra's certificate which 'A' took.
"Sorry we wasted your time." Em says.
"What busted happened here?" Anne asks.
"We just need some time so we can figure out what we want to say so that we can communicate more, erm, effectively." Spencer replies.
"And that's what we'll do." I tell her.
"So we are going to reschedule." Spencer adds.
"You girls called me remember?" Anne asks.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about this." Aria says confused as me and her stand up.
Hanna had gone and put the certificate in her bag before we all walked out the office.

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