99- Surfing the after shocks

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==========99- Surfing the afterBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I love you, Leah Hart

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99- Surfing the after
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you, Leah Hart. Forever and always."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day of Ali's mom's funeral. She had barely talked to any of us since that day. Spending most of the time in her bedroom. I was the only one she really let in and talked to, even tough it was only for a short period of time.
"Do you want me to help you get dressed?" I ask Ali while I stand in her bedroom doorway.
"No." She answers. "Do you think there will be a lot of people at the funeral?"
"I don't know." I answer.
She then looks back at me giving me a small smile.
"You can go downstairs. I'll be down in a minute." She tells me.
"Ok. Call if you need anything." I reply before leaving.

I walk downstairs to the girls while Mr D and Jason were talking.
"Hey, how is she?" Spence asks.
"She's geting dressed." I answer.
"Yeah, but how is she?" Aria asks.
"She's going to her moms funeral, how do you think she is?" Hann says.
"She's going to bury the person who buried her." Spence says.
"Question is, who buried Ali's mom in Spencer's backyard?" Em asks looking past me.
I look back to see Jason looking at us. I send him a small smilewhich we returns before turning his attention back to his father and I turn my attention back to the girls.
"It wasn't Jason." I tell them.
"What makes you so sure?" Em asks.
"Because I saw his face when Pepe found the body." I respond.
"A dog who knows where the body was buried, that sounds exactly like 'A'." Aria says.
"Digs dig ok? That's what they do. They smell something and they dig." Spence tells her.
"You didn't have to mention the smelly part." Hann says.
"Aria, 'A' is gone." Em tells her. "You know that."
"Yeah, 'A' might be gone but we still have to deal with Mona." Spence says.
"She knows that Ali wasn't kidnapped." I add.
"Got in Ali's face about it." Em says.
"She's not the only one we have to worry about." Spence says.
"Noel Kahn?" Aria asks. "He's going to do whatever is best for Noel Kahn."
"That's not who I was thinking of." Spence says.
Ali then comes downstairs.
"That's not the dress that we picked out." I whisper.
"That's not hers but I've seen it somewhere." Spence says before Mr D heads over to Ali, with Jason shortly behind him.
"Why are you wearing that dress?" Mr D asks.
"I wanted to wear something of moms to feel close to her." Ali says. "I got it out her closet."
Then it hits me. That's the dress Mrs D wore to Alison's funeral.
"Change it." Mr D tells her.
"Dad." Jason says.
"Why?" Ali asks.
"Go upstairs and put on something else." Mr D says.
"We're late now." Jason cuts in.
Mr D then walks out and Jason follows him. As Ali comes over to us.
"I just wanted to wear something of hers. Why is he so angry?" Ali asks.
"Ali. Your mother wore that dress." Spence tells her. "She wore it to your funeral."
"We should go. Come on." I say softly putting a supporitve hand on Ali's back as me, Ali, Hann and Aria walk out.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls, besides Ali, were in the principals office.
"The five of you have had a very stressful week. I want you to know how legitimately relieved that you are safe and how nice it is to have you back in the halls of Rosewood high school." Principal Hackett tells us.
"We're happy to be back." Em tells him.
"But I would be disingenuous to say that things will be as they were before, at least in the short term." Hackett says.
"I think we understand that." Spence says.
"As I told your parents, the school will protect you from the press and the curious." He says.
"We appreciate that, Mr Hackett." Aria tells him.
"But, there are limits to what we can do, giving these unusual circumstances. I need to know that you will do your part to keep distrubtions to a minimum." He says.
"You won't even know that we are here." I tell him.

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