117- Out, damned spot

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==========117- Out, damned spotBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Thanks for giving me a second chance

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117- Out, damned spot
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Thanks for giving me a second chance."- Ezra Fitz

Leah's P.O.V
I was at the blood drive that Hanna's mom was helping out at. I had just given some blood and was now having to wait for a while. I was sat talking with Macy, who I had come along with, when I look up and see the girls sat a little away from us.
"Everything ok?" Macy asks me.
"Yeah. Everythings ok." I reply looking back at her before she looks over at the  girls.
"Why don't you go talk to them?" She asks.
"It's ok. They made their decision. I've just got to come to terms with it." I answer.
"You'll always have us Leah. You may not be as close with us as you were with them. You probably won't ever be that close with us. But we'll always be there for you." She tells me causing me to smile.
"Thanks Mac." I say.
There was then a crash and everyone turned to look. There stood Mike by the coolers that had the blood in.
"Young man." One of the doctors say going over to him. "This is a restricted zone. What are you doing back here?"
"I'm sorry. I was just intrested in seeing how it all worked." Mike replies.
"Then go and sign up and see for yourself." The doctor tells him.
"Ok." He replies before walking away.
"Mike!" Aria shouts as he leaves.


Leah's P.O.V
I was sat in the brew with Macy and Jenny when the bell above the door goes. I turn to see Ezra entering.
"So, as I was saying..." I start saying looking back at Macy and Jenny.
"Aren't you going to go say hi to your brother?" Jenny asks.
"No. It's ok. I saw him earlier when he first got back." I lie messing with my hair nevously.
"You sure?" Macy asks.
"Yeah, I'm sure." I reply as I see Ezra go to the back. "I'm going to go get a drink, do you guys want anything?"
"No. We're ok." Jenny replies before I nod and get up, heading over to the counter.

At the Montgomery's house...

Aria's P.O.V
"Yeah. And you thought Melissa was 'A'." I say while I was on the phone with Spencer. "And you were wrong about that remember?"
"I know." She says. "But..."
"Look, I promise to keep an eye on Mike if you promise not to jump to conclusion." I tell her.
"Fine. Deal." She replies. "How werid was it seeing Leah sat with Macy?"
"Well we kind of pushed her to do it. But, I'm going to talk to her soon. Try and get her to forgive us." I explain.
"Maybe we should all go. We all miss her and if we all go she will be more likely to trust that we mean it." Spence says.
"Probably the best idea not the bombard her with everyone." I reply.
"Guess you are right. Just let us know what she says." Spence tells me.
"Will do. Anyway I got to go. Andrew is coming over to help me study." I tell her.
"Andrew?" She asks.
"Bye Spence." I say before hanging up, seeing where this was heading.

At the brew...

Leah's P.O.V
I had just got to the front of the line and was about to order my drink when Ezra comes up to the prson behind the counter.
"Why don't you go on a break. I've got this one." He says to them.
"Are you sure?" They ask.
"Yeah. I'm sure. Go have a break. You deserve it." He says.
"Thanks." The person says smiling before walking away.
"That was nice of you." I say.
"I wanted to talk to you anyway." He says. "Can you come to the back with me so it's more private."
"I got some friends waiting for me." I tell him.
"It won't be long I promise. Please." He says.
"Fine." I say with a sigh before following him to the back room. "What do you want to..."
"I'm sorry." He says.
"So we are getting right into it. Ok." I say.
"I know what I did was wrong." He says. "I shouldn't have picked Aria over you. Things between me and Aria are ok now. I really need you to forgive me. I can't lose my sister. Please."
"Ezra, I'm really sorry. I don't know if I can forgive you. You chose your girlfriend over your sister. I'm not sure if I am able to forgive you for that." I tell him.
"Leah, please. I miss you. I regret everything. I should have spoken up for you. I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. I will do anything." He says.
"Ok, how about this. I'm don't forgive you quite yet, but, I'll give you a second chance. We will have to work on this but if your willing to do that then so am I." I tell him.
"Of course. Thank you." He says.
"No problem." I reply. "I better go back to my friends." I give him a small smile before leaving the room then walking back in. "I still want my drink."
"Oh right." He says before following me out.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now