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==========132- Last danceBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Getting to know you had been the best thing in my life

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132- Last dance
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Getting to know you had been the best thing in my life. I regret not finding you sooner."- Ezra Fitz

Leah's P.O.V
"I'm sure this wasn't a easy decision for them." Ezra tells me as we were stood in the kitchen of the apartment.
"We're not allowed to go to prom or commencment. How the hell is this fair?" I ask. "I toke all the test early just so would be able to graduate before starting this film and now I don't even get to do that."
"Leah. You will graduate. But, you just won't be walking across the stage to get you diploma." Ezra says.
"No. Instead I'll be walking to the godamn mailroom that is downstairs." I reply.
"Mrs Hasting's has offerd to hold a small get together for you and the girls in the barn. You guys can take dates as well." Ezra tells me.
"Have you seen that barn? There's no where near enough room." I reply.
"Lea, we are all just trying to make the past out of a bad situation. It's the school boards decision. We have to exepct it there's nothing we can do." Ezra says causing me to scoff.
"If they are so worried about ours and the other students safety cant they just fill the poice with cops? They can dress as the village idiots for all I care. It's not fair that we can't go. If anyone deserves to go it's us. We managed to get good grades while dealing with Charles. No one else can say they have done that." I point out.
"And I agree with you, Lea. I do. But as I said there's nothing anyone can do. The school board made their decision." He says.
"Well the school board are assholes." I say before grabbing my bag and going towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Ezra asks.
"To talk to the girls so we can all be pissed together." I reply before walking out the apartment.

At the Brew...

Leah's P.O.V
"That's what she said?" Em asks Spencer after Spence had told us what her mom said.
"Oh no. There was more. She said something about hanging twinkly lights on Melissa's shower curtain. But by that time I was already halfway up the stairs." Spence tells us.
"Well I guess it could be worse." Aria says.
"Really? How?" Hann asks.
"I'm thinking." Aria replies.
"Ali, are you ok?" I ask seeing she was quiet.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Ali say. "Even if we went to the real prom who would we hangout with besides eachother?"
"It's true. Everyone would just stare at us like we were in some fishbowl." Hann says.
"Yeah, and we wouldn't be safe." Aria adds. "We know Charles has a twisted thing with formals. We've already been to one physco prom that he hosted."
"Have you spoken to Clark?" I ask her.
"No, I left him like five messages." Aria says.
"Did you mention who we saw him meet up with?" Spence asks.
"Didn't give me a name." Aria answers.
"What about Charles?" Em says.
"He goes by Rhys." Hann corrects.
Lorenzo then walks in and Ali leaves to go the the bathroom.


Leah's P.O.V
I was walking around town with Mike after getting a drink from the Brew.
"I'm sorry that you don't get to go to the prom." He says as he takes a sip of his drink.
"It's fine I guess." I reply. "I mean, Mrs Hastings has offered to host a small get together in the their barn."
"Are you guy going to be taking dates?" He asks.
"Do you really want to spend the nate in Spencer's small barn were we would all be squashed?" I ask laughing.
"If it means I get to spend the night with you then I honestly couldn't care." He says slinging his arm over my shoulder as I take a sip from my drink before using my hand that wasn't holding my drink to hold his hand.
"We could stay at yours or Ezra's apartment and just watch a film." I say.
"Even though I would love that we can do that anytime, besides. You need to spend some time with the girls as well." He says.
"Ok, fine." I say looking at him with a small smile.
He smiles back before kissing me. We pull away before we spot Caleb and Hanna talking then Hann walking away upset.
"Wonder what that was about." Mike says.
"I have no clue." I say. "Hey, I'm going to go check to see if everythings ok, can you wait for me here?"
"Of course. I'll just go sit on the bench." He says.
"Thanks." I say before kissing him on the cheek then walking over to Caleb.

"Hey." I say.
"Oh, hey Leah. I'm surprised Ezra let you walk around town by yourself." He says with a slight laugh.
"He is like that isn't he." I say also laughing before pointing over to the bench Mike was sat on. "But, Mike's sat over there. I just thought I would come and make sure everything is ok. Hanna just walked away from you pretty upset."
"Oh, uhm... well we weren't fighting so I'm not sure what that was about." He says.
"Ok." I say. "How is she doing after everything? She hasn't really talked to us about anything. I mean, we're all trying to not talk about it with eachohter but how is she doing? Is she ok?"
"She seems to be doing better." He replies.
"That's good." I say with a small smile. "Well I better..."
"How are you doing?" He asks.
"Same as Hanna. Doing better, but still got a little way to go." I reply. "I just wish we knew who this person was already."
"we'll figure this out. We just need to stick together." He says.
"You're right." I say with a small smile before giving him a quick hug. "Well, I better go, will you be at Spencer's barn tonight?"
"No, my dad asked me to help with something." He tells me.
"Ok, well, have fun with your dad and I'll see you when you get back." I say.
"You have fun to. And keep out of trouble. We all know what you are like Leah Hart." He says.
"I'm don't get myself into trouble." I reply.
"How many times have you been kidnapped by 'A'?" He asks with a small laugh.
"touche." I reply also laughing a little as I start to walk away.
"Bye Leah." He says.
"See ya Caleb." I reply before walking back over to Mike.

That night...

Leah's P.O.V
We were all in the Hastings barn besides Caleb and Alison. Caleb was out of town with his dad while Ali was still on her way.
"You'll forward this to me, right?" I ask Ezra as he takes a photo of me, Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily.
"Yeah. Don't talk just smile." Ezra replies.
"Oh know you not down. I want some on my phone." Aria says.
"Me to." I add causing Ezra to jokingly roll his eyes as Hanna walks over to talk to Toby who was finishing the decorating with Mike.
After taking a few photos on Aria's phone, I go to grab my phone when Ezra gets a message. Being his little sister, I pick it up and take a look to see a message from an airline company.
'Flight confirmation:
Ezra Fitz June 16
Flt; 467 PHL- LAX
Departs 10:15...'
"Ok, newsflash. Guess who Noel Kahn brought to prom." Em says as her and Aria come up to me. "Bridget Wu. And check it out. She's 85% tequilla and her dress is on backwards."
"You ok, Lea?" Aria asks seeing me staring at Ezra's phone. "What's going on?"
"Nothing." I reply putting Ezra's phone down and taking Em's before looking at the photo of Noel and Bridget. "Wow. Bridget really should have gone with a zipper. Wait until Ali sees this. Where is she?"
"Alison? If any of us knew it would be you." Em replies. "But knowing her, she likes to make an entrance."
"I'll go check her house. I need some fresh air anyway." I say moving some hair out of my face.
"You sure everythings ok?" Aria asks.
"Yep." I reply before leaving.

Ezra's P.O.V
"Where's Leah going?" I ask walking over to Emily and Aria.
"Gone to check what is taking Ali so long." Emily answers before walking away.
I pick up my phone to see I have a message.
"Looks like my flight is confirmed." I say to Aria.
"So that's what happened." She said quietly.
"What do you mwan 'That's what happened?'" I ask.
"Leah, must have seen the message. She was looking at your phone." She tells me.
"Shit, I got to go find her." I say before leaving the barn.

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