07-Broken bond

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==========07- Broken bondBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I should have never come back

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07- Broken bond
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I should have never come back. Things would all be ok if I didn't."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me,Spencer, Aria and Hanna were running around the school trying to find Emily. We were yelling her name as we ran up the stairs.
"Em, are you up here?" I ask as we make it to the top of the stairs and come round the corner.
"Emily!" Hanna calls.
We all stand there in silence waiting to see if she replies before the lights start to flicker. Spencer turns them off before turning to look at us.
"I'm, why don't we split up?" Spencer suggests.
"I'm, why don't we not?" Hanna replies.
"Hanna you can come with me." Aria tells her.
"Why do I have to be alone?" Spencer asks.
"Same here?" I ask.
"Fine! We'll split up together." Aria says.
I grab my phone out of my bag and go to call Em.
"Who are you calling?" Hanna asks.
"I'm trying her until she picks up." I answer.
As I was ringing Emily we hear a phone ringing. We walk over to where the ringing is coming from to see a phone on the floor. Hanna picks it up and we see that it's Emily phone.
"Emily?" Spencer calls as we walk into a chem lab to find it a complete mess.
"Is that blood?" Hanna asks causing us all to look closer on the floor to where we were standing to find something red on the floor.
"Don't go there." I tell her.
"Why not? She was up here with Toby." Aria points out.
We look at eachother before looking back into the at the mess in the room.

At the hospital...

Toby's P.O.V
I pulled up to the hospital and look back at Emily who was in the back seat of my car. Blood was on her hand and was also coming out of her head. I get out of the car and go round. I take Emily out of the car before taking her inside.

The next day...

Emily's P.O.V
I was home from the hospital and was in my bed room. I was with Leah,Spencer and Aria while we waited for Hanna to get here. The three of them where catching me up on what had been going on since I left the dance last night with Toby.
"It was all in his shrink's file." Aria tells me. "Toby and Jenna had a relationship."
"Way beyond step-siblings." Spencer adds.
"Yeah, they... were involved." Leah says.
"Romantically?" I ask.
"I doubt I'd call it romantic." Spencer says. "I doubt she had much of a choice."
"And that's what Alison saw when she threw the stink bomb." Aria tells me.
"Yeah, and she threatened to expose Toby." Leah adds. "Which is probably why he wanted her dead."
"And not just her- us. You." Aria says.
"You don't believe us?" Spencer asks.
"I do, I... I just don't get it." I tell them. "If Toby killed Alison and wanted to do the same to me, then why am I sitting in my bed and not in a body bag?" There was a couple of moments of silence until I spoke up again. "I told the police that when I went out for air I tripped."
"Why didn't you just tell them he attacked you?" Leah asks.
"I didn't want to say anything until I talked to you guys first." I answer.
"Well, the truth is in the file." Spencer replies. "You can tell them everything now."
"she can't tell them everything." Leah says. "You have to leave out the file.
"Fine. Leave out the file." Spencer says.
"Who knew Rosewood and this many cops?" Hanna asks coming into my room before getting the file out of her bag. "I went to put this back, and they were outside the doctors office talking to Toby's shrink. They know this was stolen."
"Can I see that?" I ask her.
"If anyone saw me go into that building last night, I am so hosed." Hanna says handing me the file.
Aria's phone the. Goes off and we all look at her as she looks at who it's from.
"Is that from...?" Leah asks trailing off.
"No, my mom." Aria answers before reading out the message.  "Ask your father if he plans to take the car in this week." She sighs. "My parents have gone from not talking to not texting. Ugh, this sucks. I better go home."
"Yeah, we should probably go to." Spencer says to Leah and Hanna as Aria waits for them at the door.
"Uh, no. I just got here." Hanna says before pointing to the file. "Hey what do I do with that?"
"Just shove it in your locker tomorrow, we'll figure it out later." Aria tells her.
"Bye." Leah says before her and Aria leave.
"Feel better, Em." Spencer tells me before following Leah and Aria out.
Once they had left Hanna comes and sits on the bed.
"Is that the car you won outside?" Hanna says looking out the window and I nod. "Ok. How do you go to homecoming, crack your head open then win a Corolla in a raffle? I need to talk to you about your karma."
There was a couple moments of silence before I decided to speak up.
"Why did you think I would take Maya to the dance?" I ask.
"What?" She replies.
"You thought I wanted her as my date. Why?" I ask again.
"'A' sent me a picture... of you and Maya kissing." She answers. "So, can I just ask?  I mean, you toke Toby to the dance, but then you toke that picture with Maya."
"I think I know what I want." I tell her. "But if I say yes to Maya, everything would change. You know it would."
"Yeah, it would." She says. "You wouldn't have to pretend to be someone you're not."
"But what if i'm wrong?" I ask. "What if I'm not... that person?"
"Emily, you're not signing a contract." She tells me. "You were Emily dting Ben, now you're Emily dating Maya. We love Emily. No-one cares who you are with,"
"Really? Have you met my parents?" I ask. "Mr and Mrs Military and their perfect daughter."
There was a bit of a awkward silence before Hanna continued to try and cheer me up.

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