19-A tragic lost

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==========19-A tragic lostBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I love you Leah

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19-A tragic lost
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you Leah. And that won't ever change. No matter how far apart we are."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
After finding my grandparents I had called the ambulance before calling my parents who flew in as soon as they could and was in Hawaii within 20 hours. While me parents were here Lucy and Lillian were with me and I cried in their arms the invite time. When my parents had got here dad was in tears as it was his mom and dad. I could tell that mom was also upset but was trying to stay strong for me and dad.
After my parents got here the went to say goodbye to my grandparents for a few weeks till the funeral then went back to the house and started packing some stuff away.

I was in my room at the house and I was calling Aria.
"Hey Leah." Aria says from the other end of the phone cheerfully.
"Hey." I reply quietly.
"What's up?" Aria asks.
"Umm..." I say deciding wether or not I should tell her.
"Leah?" Aria asks. "What's going on. Talk to me."
"'A' killed my grandparents." I tell her quietly so my parents don't hear.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Physically I'm fine but everything else. No not really." I answer. "But I'm coming back to Rosewood tomorrow then me and my family are flying back out here in a couple weeks for the funeral."
"Do you want me to tell the others or do you want to tell them?" Aria asks.
"Can you tell the other girls but don't tell Mike?" I ask her. "I want to be the one to tell him."
"Of course." Aria says.
"I better go help my parents finishing packing everything away." I tell her.
"Ok remember if you need anything just call me and I will be there for you. Even if till tomorrow it's only over a phone." Aria tells me causing me to smile.
"Thanks. That really means a lot." I tell her. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow." She replies before I Hang up and go help my parents again.


Aria's P.O.V
After I had gotten off the phone with Leah I messaged the girls saying 'SOS' and we were all meeting at the Grille. I was the first one to arrive. Shortly after I arrived Emily did them Spencer.
"So why did you call this SOS?" Spence asks after we had been waiting for Hanna for 15 minutes.
"We need to wait for Hanna to get here." I tell them before we hear the bell above the door go off.
"Sorry, I'm late." Hanna says coming over to our table with a bunch of bags. "I was out shopping with Mona and didn't get your message till I was on the way home."
"It's fine. Just sit down it's really important." I tell her.
"So what's up?" Hanna asks sitting down opposite me and next to Emily.
"Leah's coming back tomorrow." I tell them.
"That's good but why so early she's only been there for a couple days." Emily replies.
"'A' knew she left Rosewood and follows her to Hawaii." I explain.
"Oh my god! Is she ok?" Spencer asks.
"Physically she's fine. Mentally not so much." I reply.
"Why?" Hanna asks.
"'A' killed her grandparents." I answer.
"What!" Emily shouts causing everyone else in the grille to look at us for a moment or two before turning back and continuing with their own conversation again.
"'A' had never taken it this far." Spence says.
"Well. Yes this bitch has." Hanna says. "She killed Ali."
"We don't know that it's 'A' that killed Ali." Emily replies.
"Guys right now it doesn't matter. We just need to be there for Leah at the moment. That's all that matters at this point in time." I tell them causing them all to nod.
I feel so bad for Leah. All I know is that me, the girls, our parents and Mike have to be there for her and her family right now. And that's what I plan on doing.


Leah's P.O.V
I had finished helping my parents pack up and I was just about to call Mike when a random number called me. I answer the call and put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I say.
"Well what a nice surprise you answered." A disoriented voice says on the other end causing me to quickly sit up.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"'A'." Is all the person says before the call gets cut off.
I look at the screen blankly for a couple minutes before finding Mikes contact and calling him. I just want to hear his voice right now.
"Hey babe." I hear Mike say from the other end of the phone.
"Hey." I reply quietly.
"What's wrong?" Mike asks.
"I miss you." I tell him.
"I know I miss you to." Mike replies.
"And I love you." I add.
"I love you Leah. And that won't ever change. No matter how far apart we are." Mike reassures me.
"I'm coming home tomorrow." I tell him.
"That's good. Why so early?" He asks.
"My grandparents have passed away... so... I'm coming home with my parents tomorrow." I explain.
"That's where they were heading when I saw them loading up the car." Mike says quietly. "Are you ok, though?"
"I'm ok. I feel a bit sad but I don't think it's really hit me yet." I answer.
"I'm here for you." He tells me. "I always have been and always will be."
"I know." I say with a small smile. "I got to go but I will see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow babe. Call me if you need anything. Ok?" He tells me.
"I will thank you." I reply. "I love you."
"I love you to." He responds before I hang up.
I sigh and sit on my bed and look out the window. I look up at the sky and let out a small smile knowing my grandparents are safe and are together.

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