46-If dolls could talk

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==========46- If dolls could talkBest friends liar-Pretty little liars"Where do I start

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46- If dolls could talk
Best friends liar-Pretty little liars
"Where do I start. You are a amazing person and I honestly have no clue what I would do without you. You make me and everyone else in your life better people. Just because they know you. Your like my sister, Leah. You have been since we met. And now you dating my brother. I love you like a best friend and a sister. Happy Birthday, Lea."- Aria Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It was a couple days since the accident at Jason's house and I was let out of hospital yesterday.
"Spencer. You are over thinking this." I tell Spence while me, her and Em sat in her car.
Spencer had just got round to telling me and Em about the dream she had about Ali.
"Then why was the door open?" Spence asks.
"You're taking two different medications." Em points out. "You probably got up in the middle of the night..."
"She was in my living room, guys!" Spencer says cutting Em off. "I could still smell her creme rinse after she left." She then looks between me and Em. "You think I'm loosing it, don't you?"
"No. We don't." I tell her. "I've been there. When I was in the hospital after 'A' hit me with a car."
"Same." Em says. "After I got locked in that barn, I woke up and she was leaning over me. That conversation felt more real than us talking in this car."
"So, wait, what are you saying, that she actually was in my house this morning?" Spence asks.
"I'm not saying that. I'm saying that I think Ali is holding all of our brains hostage." Em tells her.
"And we won't be able to sleep until we find out what happened to her." I add.
"I should go talk to these people." Em says before getting out the car.
"Here I am talking about all of this while we should be talking about your birthday which is the day after tomorrow." Spence says.
"It's fine. It's not a big deal." I tell her.
"Come on, Leah. Of course it's a big deal. You're turning 16." Spencer says.
"Whatever you want to believe." I tell her.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I walk outside to were the girls are sitting besides Spencer and sit down with them.

Guys, I figured it out." Spencer tells us.  "Alison took out a classified ad asking 'A' to meet her in Brookhaven and 'A' responded. This was going on for like a month. Look. 'Dear 'A', what's it going to take to end this? You need to stop. 'A.D'" She then hands me one of the newspaprs. "And this "He despreatly seeking silents. Who says I want to end this. 'A'."
"Let me see that." Aria says.
"What's this one?" Em asks.
"It's the last paper before labour day weekend." Spence answers. "Alison was set to meet 'A' at 235 spruce street."
"Why do I know that street?" I ask.
"Because we walked on it." Hanna says. "The creepy doll hosptial?"

"Guys!" Emily whisper shouts we all turn to see Jenna and Toby coming over to us.
"She took of the bandage." Aria says.
"She's not using the stick." I say.
"Why is she still wearing the shades?" Hann asks.
"Hanna stop staring!" Emily tells her as Toby and Jenna come close to us causing us all to quickly look away.
"Are they all here?" Jenna asks Toby.
"Yes." I hear Toby reply.
They stand next to the table and we all look at them.
"Thanks Toby. I'll meet you inside." Jenna tells him.
Toby then leaves and Jenna sits down next to Aria.
"Sorry to interrput." Jenna tells us.
"Can you see you not?" Hanna asks.
"Hann!" Spencer says in a warning tone as Jenna shakes her head.
"Wait, the surgery didn't...?" I ask trailing off.
"No it didn't." Jenna answers. "I went in knowing the odds, so I can't be shocked. The funny thing is I woke up this morning and, uh, I could see clearly just not with my eyes. You could have left me in that smoky room, Leah and gotten yourself out of there. But you didn't. And I don't think I have actually thanked you for that. Instead you saved my life and risked yours in the process. And it made me realise that... that people can grow. So now it's my turn, that's why I am here. I want to apologise and to let go of the anger that's been holding me back. So, can we please... move on?"
"What exactly are you apologising for Jenna?" Em asks.
"Fo holding a grudge and, uh...for hating you." She answers. "We've all done things we're not proud of. I know what you think of me.  But you're wrong. I've never been the person you really need to fear." She gets up and unfolds her stick and placing one end of the ground infront of her before walking away.

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