158- In the eye of the Abides the Hart

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==========158- In the eye of the Abides the HartBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I don't know what I would do without you

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158- In the eye of the Abides the Hart
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't know what I would do without you. You made my life a whole lot brighter when you entered it 10 years ago."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were at the Brew. Ali was sadly not here as she was at work.
"What happened at the clinic?" Spence asks as she sits down.
"When we explained the situation, they said they'd rush the blood test." Em answer.
""you explained things?" Hann asks.
"Sort of explained." Emily explains.
"What does this mean?" Aria asks showing us the photo that Hanna had found.
Hanna had found out that the pastor Ted, who use to date her mother, was Charlotte's biological dad. the photo was of Ted, Charles and one of Charles childhood best friend, who was none other then Lucas Gottesman.
"It means the world was much smaller then we ever thought." I respond to Aria.
"Lucas lied to us." Em says. "He said he didn't know anything about Charlotte."
"Maybe he didn't." Hann says. "Maybe he was friends with a boy named Charles a really long time ago."
"Or maybe it was more then one summer." Aria says. "Maybe they stayed friends at Radley and what happened after that."
"No. No. Not Lucas." Hanna says.
"If there's one thing we should all know by now is that not everybody tells you everything." Spencer says.
Pastor Ted might not be the only person who kept a souvenir of that summer." Emily points out. "If Lucas stayed in touch with Charles and then Charlotte, maybe there's a trail. We should look."
"That loft was a techno death trap, remember? The fire." I reply recalling the fire, that was caused by the lofts technology system, that Lucas set up. "It might be filled with bugs and cameras."
"Well, if it is, Lucas already knows all of our secrets." Spence says.
"So we search." Em says.
"Discreetly." I tell her.
"You guys are wrong about him." Hanna says.
"I can't believe she was in that house. Mary." Spencer says. "The whole time we were talking to Pastor Ted, she was just 15-20 feet away."
"It's ok Spence. We're here for you." Aria tells her.
"I'm going to go get you a drink." I tell her before getting up and walking away.


Leah's P.O.V
Me, Hanna and Emily were looking around their apartment, which was still actually Lucas's apartment, for anything that could link Lucas to Charlotte.
"Why do they always have such big arms?" Hann asks holding up an action figure. "How can they even put on spandex with these things?" 
"Hanna, don't browse. Search." Em tells her.
"Lucas wouldn't hurt us." Hanna replies.
"Then let's prove it." I tell her.
"Anything in the pictures?" Hanna asks.
"Lot's of pictures from comic con." Emily answers.
"So what are you going to do? About the baby?" Hanna asks.
"I'll do whatever Ali wants to do." Emily responds.
"Well, those blood test give you a pretty big stake in this." Hanna says.
"What's in those boxes under there?" I ask trying to change the subject, as I saw Emily was uncomfortable.
Hanna goes under the desk and pulls out a box as me and Emily walk over. She takes the lid off.
"Surprise, comic books." Hanna says. "What are we even looking for?"
"We'll know when we find it." I tell her starting to look through the comic books.
"I was such a cute baby." Hann says out of the blue causing me to look at her annoyed. "What? I was. My mom has pictures. I've seen pictures of Caleb to when he was a little kid. I think we could make something pretty good together."
"Can we stop this conversation, now?" I ask.
Hanna then announced that she was planning on trying for a baby with Caleb. We soon find a comic that was signed by Lucas and Charles. 

We read through the story before going to show Aria.
It was about a hero, whose a boy, who gets picked on by other kids and his own family. He then meets this alien women in the woods and she becomes his protector. She is this all powerful shapeshifter who helps to get revenge for the boy. Torturing his enemies. And sometime the boy turns into 'Arcturus' so he can experience the payback she gets back for him.

At the DiLaurentis house...

Leah's P.O.V
Ali had messaged me asking me to come over, Hanna had just told me that she also told Mona about the game What was she thinking? Ali told me to walk straight in when I got here so that's what I did.
"Can you believe Hanna told Mona about the game?" I ask as I walk into the house, but get no reply. "Ali?"
I walk into the living room to find Ali curled up in a ball sat with her back against the sofa.
"Leah?" She asks looking up at me crying.
"Oh my god, Ali." I say rushing over and kneeling down next to her. "What happened? Is everything ok? Is it the baby?"
"It's not the baby." She replies.
"Then what's wrong. You can talking to me." I reassure her.
"I know. I know." She replies wiping her eyes. "I just haven't said this out loud yet and I don't know how to."
"Take all the time you need. I am right here." I tell her grabbing her hand.
She takes a deep breath before looking directly at me.
"I'm in love with Emily." She admits.
"What? That's great, Al. Why are you crying about that?" I ask.
"Because she loves Paige." She replies slowly looking away.
"Hey." I say causing her to look back at me again. "You don't know that for sure. Talk to her. I am sure she feels the same way. I know because she has felt that way for you for years."
"What if she doesn't anymore?" She asks.
"Then it's her lost. Because you are an amazing person." I tell her.
"Thanks Lea." She says pulling me into a hug.
"No problem, Al." I reply hugging her back.
"I love you." She says.
"I love you to." I reply pulling away. "Now let's get up off the floor. You turn on the TV and pick a movie and I'll go back us some hot chocolate and get some snacks."
We both laugh before I stand up first and pull Ali to her feet before heading into the kitchen.


Leah's P.O.V
A lot had happened since I had gone to see Ali. Ezra had gone to go back to New York but his plane was cancelled, and Spencer had told us she used Dunhill's credit card to pay for some drinks at the Radley the night we accidentally killed him.
Me and Mike were at his house. I was sat picking a movie on the sofa while he was in the kitchen making us some drinks.
I was staring of into space thinking about everything when Mike comes into the room with two mugs of coffee in his hands.
"You ok?" He asks.
"Yeah. I'm good." I answer before reaching out for the coffee which he hands to me before sitting down next to me.
"Have you picked what movie to watch?" He asks as he puts our drinks on the coffee table before sitting back and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"No. Not yet." I reply.
"Well, take as long as you want to pick." He tells me kissing the side of my head.
"Actually, why don't you pick. I need to go up to the bathroom." I tell him handing him the remote.
"Ok." He says before I get up and go upstairs.

When i get back I get a call from Ezra saying he needed help with something at the brew.
"Hey, I just got to pop to the Brew quickly. I'll get us some pastry's or something while I am there." I say leaning down and kissing him.
"I don't know what I would do without you. You made my life a whole lot brighter when you walked into it 10 years ago." He says causing me to laugh.
"Ok,lover boy." I say jokingly before kissing his cheek. "I'll see you when I get back."
I then grab my bag and leave.


Leah's P.O.V
I was walking back to Mike and Aria's house when Spencer comes up to me angrily.
"How could you!" She shouts.
"Spence, what are you talking about?" I ask.
"You offering my mom for us to stay at your pent house when they sell the house." She snaps. "You know I don't want them selling it so why would you do that?"
"I was just trying to be nice, Spence." I tell her. 
"Yeah, well my parents are actually considering it meaning that they are now most definitely selling the house. So thanks a lot." She replies starting to walk away.
"Spence, I'm sorry." I call after her but she ignores me.
What have I done?

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now