92- Free fall

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==========92- Free fallBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I don't want to talk to you, Mike

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92- Free fall
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't want to talk to you, Mike. And I don't need you help. So leave me the hell alone!"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I was walking along the corridor of school with Aria when Ezra comes up to us.
"Hey guys." Ezra says causing us both to look at him confused as he tried to never talk to us at school.
"Hi." I reply.
"I know you both have classes right now, but I can write you a late pass." He says.
"That's ok. What's up?" Aria asks.
"Have you guys talked to Spencer today?" He asks.
"No. Why?" I question.
"I feel a little strange coming to you guys with this." He says.
"Did something happen?" Aria asks.
"Certain things have started to pile up. The homework Spencer is turning in is sloppy and rambly, she walks in every morning with circles under her eyes, and when shes in class, she's either hyper alert or she's a total zombie." He tells us.
"Yeah. I mean, I've noticed that she's been a little out of it lately. But she's had a lot to juggle. And you know Spencer she's a total stress- case." I reply.
"Righ. I think it's more then that." Ezra says.
"Like what?" Aria asks.
"She has a problem with amphetamines." Ezra informs us. "And I'm worried it's become a crutch."
"What? Ezra that's crazy!" I tell him.
"Well, people think it'll improve their academic performance, but when it's over used..." Ezra starts.
"Ezra. Come on, Spencer?" Aria says cutting him off.
"She's got everybody fooled." He says. "Your friend is a ticking time bomb. And when she explodes I don't want either of you to get hit by the shrapnel."
"I'm sorry. I can't believe it." I say putting a hand to my forehead. "You really think she's on drugs?"
"I don't think it. I know it." He says before looking around and opening his bag before pulling out a file and handing it to Aria before we both start to look through it. "Look. I wasn't going to show you this. I guess I am willing to break the rules if it means helping Spencer. Guys, I'm not trying to be the bad guy here."
We look through the file before I spot something. I point to it and me and Aria look at eachother shocked before looking at Ezra.


Leah's P.O.V
"Finally!" Aria says as me and her find Em and Hann sat outside.
"Is there some cellular dead- zone we don't know about in the school?" I ask as we sit with them.
"What do you mean?" Hann asks.
"Well we texted you both like five times each." Aria says.
"Whatever. Where's Spencer?" I ask.
"Haven't seen her." Em says.
"Ok Well we need to find her and talk to her right now." Aria tells them.
"What about?" Emily asks.
"I think we all know that Spencer has been a little... extra intense lately." Aria says. "I chalked it up to just being stress but she's not just stressed."
"She's strung out." I finsih causing both Em and Hann to look at us confused and like we were crazy. "You guys spencer has a serious problem, all right. And thi isn't the first time that has happened. Aria. Show them."
"Two years ago it was enough of an issue her parents had to ask the school for help." Aria says showing them the file.
Em takes it and they start to flip through it.

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