157- Power play

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==========157- Power playBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I can't imagine what you are going through

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157- Power play
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I can't imagine what you are going through. But I am here for you. You are my sister and I love you, always have always will."- Ezra Fitz

Leah's P.O.V
Aria had called Ezra to let him know that Nicole was here while I went upstairs to help her get some sleep. I had come down after Nicole had fallen asleep to find Ezra stood there. As I got down there to door clicked close so I am guessing Aria had left.
"Hey." Ezra says with a smile.
"Hey." I reply going over and hugging him.
"I'm really sorry she just turned up like that." He says as we pull away.
"Hey. Don't apologise. I'm happy I got to see her again." I tell him. "Anyway. I better get going. Nicole is asleep upstairs. I'll come by early tomorrow."
"Ok." He says before I give him another hug before leaving.

At the DiLaurentis house...

Leah's P.O.V
I had messaged Aria to find out where she was and she told me she was at Ali's house. I went over and Ali let me in before leading me and Aria to the kitchen where we found the game board.
"Oh my god." Aria says.
"How long has that been there?" I ask Ali.
"I don't know." She answers.
We go over and see two of the pieces dancing. It was mine and Ali's. The screen looked like it was broken.
"Is there any chance this thing is broken?" Aria asks.
"It's not broken." I say before looking at the two of them. "It's deciding."

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I had been spending some time catching up with Nicole when Alison had sent an SOS. I didn't want to leave but I knew it could be my turn for the game so I knew I had to.
"This isn't happening." Hanna says after Ali had told us someone had sent the police Rollin's finger.
"Yes, it is." Ali says.
"No, 'AD' doesn't get to poison Caleb, bankrupt Lucas company, ruin my reputation, then expose all of us in one go." Hann says. "No!"
"Hanna." Spence says softly.
"What?" She asks turning around. "What are the rules for this stupid game anyways? Everytime we fail the cops get a piece of Archer? What's next? His knee caps or his ear lobes?"
"Or the video. Of you three digging up the grave. We already know that 'AD' has that." Aria says to Spencer, Hanna and me.
"Is that punishment for Charlotte? We didn't find her killer and now 'AD''s going to help the cops find us?" Em asks.
A bell then goes off on the game. We go over and look to see the Alison figure was stood on 'Mystery location'.
"My turn. Mystery location. Great." Ali says.
The phone on the board had a question mark on it. I press it and words pop up.
'Solve the puzzle get away with murder. Or fail and go directly to jail.'
"All right so we continue playing the game or the cops find out what we did. Didn't we already know that?" Hann asks.
"Yeah, but now it's a race. We have to solve this puzzle before the cops can solve Dunhill's murder." Aria says.
"Furey already suspects that Archer we killed the night he went missing. He's going to find out the truth." Ali says.
"No one can screw up their turn." Spence says. "Not anymore. If the cops get one more clue about what we did..."
"It's game over." I cut in. "You know what. I'm going to get to the police before 'AD' does again."
"What do you mean?" Spencer asks as I grab my bag. "Leah!"
"Leah, answer the question." Ali says when I was silent.
"Leah!" They all shout at the same time as I put my coat on.
"What?" I ask.
"What do you mean 'What'?" Emily asks.
"What do you mean when you say 'I'm going to get to the cops before 'AD' does again'?" Aria asks.
"I'm going to go turn myself in." I tell them.
"No your not." Hanna tells me.
"Guys, I'm the one who hit Archer. Me! If anyones going to go down for this it's me. And I'm not going to let 'AD' make me take you guys down with me." I tell them.
"Leah. Slow the hell down." Aria tells me.
"No! And you guys can't change my mind." I respond.
I then walk out before they have the chance to say anything else.

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