47- The truth always comes out

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==========47- The truth always comes out Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It's over

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47- The truth always comes out
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's over."-Spencer Hastings

Leah's P.O.V
I was stood in the Hastings kitchen with the girls as we watch the news.
"One week after his arrest, Reynolds pled not guilty to the charge of Alison DiLaurentis' murder. However, prosecutors remain confident with their case. Rosewood PD's working theory is that Reynolds became a police officer to destroy evidence that linked him to the murder scene. Invesigators recieved a break in the case when that awas recovered ."
"That must be page 5 of Ali's autopsy report." I say.
"Garrett took it, by someonebody gave it back." Em says.
"My mom is friends with the prosecutor." Spencer says. "That sombody was Jenna."
"Can we finally put Ali to rest now?" Aria asks.
"Or is it two down two to go?" Hann asks. "Ian's dead, Garrett's in jail. Melissa and Jenna were in Ali's room that night too. They may not have killed Ali, but they're definitely guilty of something."
"Love gone wrong." Melissa says coming into the room causing Spencer to turn of the tv as we all look at her.
"What are you talking about?" Spencer asks.
"I knew Ian didn't kill Alison, and you five keep a secret, but you don't have the constiton for murder."Melissa says before looking at Aria and pointing t the yogurt in front of her. "You going to eat that?" Aria then pushes it towards her. "Thanks. I know how Jenna Marshall went blind and so did Garrett. If he killed Alison, it's because he thought she deserved it." Melissa had a few bites of the yougurt before looking at Aria again. "Is this peanut butter?"
"Toffee." Aria answers.
"Mm. It is good." Melissa says taking another bite. "Thanks".
Melissa then leaves and goes out to the barn.
"She definitly knows about the Jenna thing." Hann says.
All our phones then go off.
"You still have somethig that belongs to me Bring it, or one of you leaves in a body bag. 'A'." I read out.
The door bell then goes and Spencer goes to answer it.
"'A' has to be talking about her phone." Haann says.
"You still have it locked in your closet right?" Em asks.
"Yes." Hann replies.
"I don't know about you guys, but 'A' talking about body bags makes me very nervous." Aria says.
"Guys it was a messanger." Spencer says coming in with a envople before takening small black envlopes and handing one to each of us. "There's one for each of us."
We open them to find a invite to the Rosewood Junior society mascerade ball.
"'A' wants to play hide and seek."I say.
"Be there when the clock strikes midnight." Aria reads out before Spence walks towards the back door. "Spence?"
"Hide and seeek was my favourite game with Melissa. You wnna know why?" Spencer says looking out the window before looking at us. "I always won."

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
"She was in that kitchen eating frozen yougurt basically just telling us she was 'A'." Hanna says as me, her, Aria and Em walk to school.
"And now she wants to kill one of us." I add. "Parties and body bags go together like drinking and driving."
"Guys, I don't trust Melissa as far as I can throw her and Ian's foetus, but let's not forget that Jenna also knows about the Jenna thing." Em says.
"Ian's foetus? Em, that's disgusting." Aria says.
"Look, 'A' is all knowing, all right?" Hanna says as we get to the front of the school and stop while Spencer comes oer to us. "She's like a genius on setroids. The only person who I know is smarter then Spencer is her sister."
"Um, I take offence." Spencer says.
"Melissa did scored higher on the Wechsler scale, but when you take into account my scores and the Flynn effect , combined with real life accomplishments, the gap in our IQs it virtually non-exisistant." Spencer says.
"Um, what are you doing with Ali's bag?" I ask her.
"I'm giving 'A' back her phone over my dead body, which means we have until midnight tomorrow to unmask this bitch once and for all, and this bag has brought us closer to the truth thn we've ever gotten." Spencer says.
"You think there's something in tere we missed?" Em asks.
"We need to go through it again. All of us. With a fresh pair of eyes." Spencer says. "But with Melissa at home, I..."
"No, forget my place. My mom is still hot on the 'A' trail." Hanna says after pence looked at her.
"Look, let just meet after school. I have an idea for a great costume." Aria says as Mona comes up to us.
"Oh, your going to the masquerade mash?" Mona says. "Me too. Can you believe blind Jenna is going? A week ago, that would have made me a no-show, but since she dumped Noel kon man for seeing eye Toby- sorry Spencer." Mona then says something in french as she puts sme lipstick on. "I love this vintage shop a few towns over. We shouls all go after school and get our costumes together!"
"I would love to, but, um, I have to take my sister to a untrasound." Spencer says.
"My mom's coming back tomorrow so I have some house stuff." Em says.
"I got to sort out some stuff for the masquerade ball as I am on the commity after my friend decide to put me down for it without asking." I reply.
"Yeah, and vintage is my middle name but-" Aria says getting cut off by the bell. "I got to get to class."
We all then walk away besides Mona and Hanna.

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