149- Wanted: dead or alive

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==========149- Wanted: dead or aliveBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"We're sisters

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149- Wanted: dead or alive
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We're sisters. Wether or not it's legally. You are my sister."- Aria Montgomery

After nearly being sick, Spence offered for me to stay with her for the night. Aria had gone to meet Ezra. The others had filled us in on the fact they thought Sara was keeping an eye on us for Jenna.
Spence was stood in the kitchen making us drinks while I was sat on the sofa. I was laughing at something she said when my phone goes off.
'You got away once. You won't get away again.'

Leah's P.O.V
I told the girls about the message. They have tired to make me feel less stress but it didn't really help. I was still freaking out. 
Me and Aria were sat in the Brew when Emily comes up to us.
"Aria, I called you last night when you went to Ezra's." Em tells her.
"Yeah, sorry I didn't get back to you." Aria replies.
"Well, is everything ok?" Em asks. "Did he find out about the Nicole call?"
"No, he didn't everything's fine." Aria replies.
"Can we just focus on living enemies, instead of dead ones, please?" Spence asks Hanna as the two of them walk over.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"Hanna thinks Rollin's could still be alive." Spence informs us. 
"That detective told Ali, he saw a photo of Rollins in a detective car." Hann says. "Last time I checked ghosts don't show up in photographs."
"We were all there that night Hanna. The man is dead." Spence reminds her. "We killed him and buried him. Now someone knows."
"Actually Leah killed him." Hann says.
"Wow, thanks Hann. Making me 100% better." I say jokingly.
"Guys, she's right about the traffic cams." Em says. "If there's a photo of him..."
"Yeah, that could have easily been manufactured. You find someone who looks like him and stick him behind a real of a mid-size Sudan." Spence says. Spence goes to say something but someone comes over causing her to stop. The person then walks away and she continues. "'AD''s fake Rollin's trail picks up exactly were we left off."
"Yeah, this has to be Rollin's partner in crime." Aria says. "Mary or Jenna know that we killed him and they are helping to cover it up."
"You call that helping?" Hann asks.
"'A' never does anything for free." I remind them. "Not test scores and definitely not a cover up."
"If Jenna knows what we did she could be grooming Sara to become her new seeing eye dog. " Spence says.
"No, there's no grooming involved. Sara already hates us." Aria points out.
Ali then comes in wearing the jacket that the girls gave 'AD' to get me out of that place.
"Ali, where did you get that jacket?" Em asks.
"It was a gift. From 'AD'." She replies looking at all of us.

Ali had left and Spencer had followed her.
"We all should have followed her." Em says.
"She just needs some time." Aria says.
All our phones then go off causing us to flinch a little.
"Spencer." Hann says checking her phone.
"We really have to stop group texting eachother." I say with a small laugh.
"She's going to Ali's house to keep eyes on Mary Drake." Em tells us.
"So, we're back on Mary?" Hanna asks.
"Well, if Spencer's following Mary, I'm going to keep tabs on Jenna." I tell them standing up.
"I'll join you." Em says also standing up. "She's staying at the Radley and so is Sara."
"Do you still have Rollin's burner phone?" I ask Hanna while Aria stood up as well.
"I'll let you know if I hear anything." Hanna says showing it to us.
Me, Em and Aria all nod before leaving. As we do we run into Ezra.
"Hey." He says.
"Hi." Aria replies.
"Hey Ez." I say at the same time as Aria.
Ezra gives me a small smile before walking past us.
"You sure everything's ok?" Em asks as me and Aria catch her up.
"Yeah, fine." Aria replies.
Me and Em share a breath look before the three of us leave the brew.

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