53- The girl is poison

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==========53- The girl is poison Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Oh my god! Dad I'm 16 I can take care of my god damn self!"- Leah Hart==========

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53- The girl is poison
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Oh my god! Dad I'm 16 I can take care of my god damn self!"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I had been back for a couple days. It had been weird and people were walking on egg shells around me which I did not like. But overall I was happy to be back as even though I was only gone for a few days I missed everyone a lot.
Me, Em, Spence and Aria were leaving Em's house on our way out to dinner.
"I thought Hanna was joining us for diner." I say.
"Hanna hasn't eaten since Tuesday." Spencer says.
"Should we grab a pizza and go over there?" Emily asks.
"Not unless the topping is Caleb." Aria replies.
"If you guys want to go see her can you go without me? I mean,I already feel bad enough I convinced her to tell Caleb about 'A'," I tell them.
"Lea, with or without you she was backed into a corner." Em tells me.
"Yeah, this 'A' does not feel like a high school girl playing games." Spencer says.
"Ok well if you figure out the rules can you tell the rest of us?" Aria asks.
"You know what, I'm not really hungry anymore." Em says.
"Me neither, my stomach is in a knot." I tell them.
"So's my neck." Spencer says. "I haven't been able to brush the back on my head in like a year and a half."
"Spence, don't let Wilden freak you out." Aria tells her. "If the plice really knew we were lying about the lakehouse..."
"Not just the lakehouse. What about the negetives of that picture, Ali's body. All the things we buried her with." I point out. "Any of that could get us arressted."
"It's my neck again!" Spencer excliams as a police car and ambalance pull up outside Garrett's house.
"Are they going to Jenna's?" I ask as Jenna's house was right next door.
"Garretts." Em corrects.
"Well who else lives there beside his parents?" Em asks.
"I don't think they've been outside since he was arrested." Em tells us.
"Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors." Spence says.
We watch before Garretts mom is brought out on a stretcher.
"That's his mom." Em says. "Thats Mrs Reynolds."
We watch as she is put into the ambalance. I look away breifly and see a figure in a black hoodie.
"Guys!" I say looking at them.
"What? What is it?" Aria asks.
"What?" Spencer asks.
"Over there." I say pointing to were I saw the person causing the girls to look. "Over there. There was a black hoodie watching."
"What are you saying?" Aria asks.
"You think 'A' was out here watching us?" Em asks.
"Are you sure?" Spencer asks.
"Why would 'A' care about Garretts mother?" Aria asks.
"Maybe 'A' wanted her out of the house." Spencer says.
We then watch the ambalance drive away before deciding to go back to Em's house.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day after me, Aria, Spence and Em saw Garrett's mom being put into a ambalance and me, Spencer and Em were standing in the courtyard of the school.
"What happened to keeping a low profile?" Em asks as we watch Jenna. "Staying blind because she's a target. I mean look at her."
"How can you miss her? She's been glinding around school all day like a thanks giving float." I reply before going to walk over to her. "We should say something to her.
"No wait." Spencer says grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "Did you guys get Aria's text about Lucas and the photo studio?"
"Yeah, what was that about?" Em asks.
"Aria says she knows the photographer who owns the studio." Spencer says before looking at me "And it's on the same block her her, Hanna and you saw Lucas that night."
"So now we think Lucas took the photos in the graveyard?" I ask.
"Well, maybe, but then why was he pounding to get in there?" Spencer asks back.
"I can't think about this now I have a calculus test." Em says before going to walk away.
"Wait Em." Spencer says causing Em to stop and look at her. "There's something else. My mom she left her tablet out on the table this morning."
Sencer hands Em a peice of paper.
"What is this?" Em asks.
"There letting Garrett out." Spencer answers.
"What!?" I say grabbing the piece of paper of Em and reading it.
"To see his mother. It's called compassinateurlough." Spencer tells us.
"What has he down to deserve compassion?" Em asks.
"She's probably really sick." Spencer answers.
"So basically their giving him a get out of jail free card?" I ask.
"This just might be his last time to say goodbye to her." Spencer says.
"At least he gets a chance." Em retorts.
"Do you want to talk about this later?" I ask Em as she screws up the papaer after taking it from me.
"What's there to talk about. We have no power, who cares what we think?" Em replies.
"We do." Spence says. "What if 'A; but Garretts mom in hospital to get Garrett out of jail? Maybe the plan is to meet up with the persons who's really helping him."
"I would explain what I saw hiding in the shadows that night." I point out. "Em, Mona might not be the only person in Rosewood who owns a black hoodie.
"Don't look she's coming over here." Spencer says looking behind me and Em.
"Who?" Em asks.
"The float." Spencer says talking about Jenna as me and Em stand either side of her. "She's carrying something. Envelopes."
"What's in them?" I ask.
"Anthrax." Spencer replies.
"Hi." Jenna says before handing us a envelope each. "I haven't seen Aria or Hanna can I trust you will pass them on?"
"What is this?" I ask.
"Oh they're invitations." Jenna answers. "It's my birthday."
"And you recovered just in time." Em says remarkfully.
"The doctors say its positive outcome." Jenna responds.
"No, what the hell is this Jenna?" Spencer asks. "I thought you needed protection. We had a deal."
"Well, this is a new deal." Jenna says. "I feel a lot safter when I am in charge of what happens to me. Hope to see you at the party."
Jenna then walks away as the three of us look at eachother.

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