141- Burn this

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==========141- Burn thisBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Why does this girl have to be so goddamn ruthless

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141- Burn this
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Why does this girl have to be so goddamn ruthless. I swear to god. She's going to be the death of me if she's not ok."- Ezra Fitz

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day after mine and Henry's break up, and I decided to tell no one about it. One because I didn't want anyone to pity me and two because I still kind of hoped to Henry would come back.
Emily had gone to the 'two crows' last night and nearly got run over. But in the process she managed to find the possible weapon used to kill Charlotte.
Me, Aria and Hanna were at Aria's house packing away the stuff from Ella and Byron's wedding, while Hanna was going on about the fact that Ali and Dr Rollins we're now married. Also Emily was here on the phone.
"It's just so werid, I mean, I barely know the guy first name, and now he's married to Ali." Hann says.
"Right. Well, I'm sure he seems like a stranger to us,  but Alison and Elliot have known eachother for years." Aria says.
"Hey, they've just started going out. What is this, their second date?" Hann asks sticking a fork in the food she had in her hand. "Whatever happened to dinner and a movie?"
"Oh Hann, there's lipstick on that fork." I tell her.
"Ew." She says handing me the food and fork.
"I'm sure it seems strange but if you saw Alison and Elliot, it's pretty romantic." Aria says.
"Like romantic has anything to do with it." Em says from behind us. "Ali has lost everyone she cares about. She's desperate for a family."
"Maybe she's smart, if you elope, no-one can throw you a bridal shower." Hann says.
"Since when do you not like bridal showers?" I ask. "Gifts, expensive lingerie, cake. They're, like, made for you."
"Not when we have two monsters after us." Hann says.
"Spencer's not answering." Em tells us coming over.
"No, she's probably still dealing with the fallout from the Yvonne leak." Aria says.
A leak about Yvonne's pregnancy years ago had leaked and it came from Spencer's IP address. Caleb had taking the fall and was kicked out the barn so I let him stay with me at Ezra's old apartment.
"There's no way Spencer's parents would believe Caleb would do that." I say.
"Yeah, well be glad that they do, because if they thought we had a new 'A', they'd march straight down to the police station." Aria says.
"You guys, our stalker already warned us, ok? If talk to the cops we're going to have targets on our backs." Hann says.
"We already do. Melissa tried to turn me into roadkill last night." Em says.
"No, she's not the one sending texts and going after Yvonne." Hann says.
"Spencer, could tell Toby. I mean, he could quietly go and..." I start saying.
"No, if we go to Toby there's nothing quiet about that." Hann says. "The whole of Rosewoods police force would be on a manhunt."
"Ok, can we just talk about something nice for a second?" Aria asks.
We then decide to take a look at the photos. While looking at the photo's we find a message on cards in different photos.
'Give me the killer, by electon night or you lose.'


Leah's P.O.V
I was sat listening to some music while reading through the script for the movie I was filming in a couple months. Aria and Ezra were working on the book, we were all at Aria's house when there was a knock on the door.
"Don't worry, you guys keep working. I got it." I say taking my headphones out and standing up.
I open the door to find Tanner.
"Oh." I say looking at Ezra and Aria confused before looking back at her.
"It's ok, I've never enjoyed the feeling of deja- vu myself." Tanner says.
"Lieutenant." Ezra says standing up and coming over to stand next to me.
"Would it be possible for me to speak to Miss Montgomery alone?" Tanner asks.
"Something wrong?" I ask.
"That's kind of an open- ended question don't you think?" Tanner asks.
Ezra and me then leave.

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