72- A dAngerous gAme

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==========72- A dAngerous gAmeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Maybe that's what happened tonight

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72- A dAngerous gAme
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Maybe that's what happened tonight. Maybe Ali wasn't the one who dragged us out of the building. Maybe it was someone in a mask."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
It had been a few days since me and the girls went to see Spencer at Radley. She was now at home and the four of us were waiting downstairs for her while she was upstairs.
"She knows we are down here, right?" Hann asks as we all sit at the kitchen island which was full of food and drinks.
"Maybe she's just as nervous about seeing us as we are about seeing her." Em says.
"Guys, she's the exact same Spencer that we saw last week." Aria says.
"No, the Spencer we saw in Radley was not the Spencer I know." Hann says.
"That was before." Em says sadly.
"Em, we aren't just here for her, we are here for you to." I tell her.
"Do we talk about him? Do we bring it up?" Aria asks.
"I don't want to say anything that could put her back there." Em says.
"I know the cops said they found Toby, but they sent the second body to the state cornorers for a reason. Maybe there's hope." Hann says.
"You know how I feel about hope." Spence says from the stairs causing us to turn and look at her as she finsihes coming down the stairs and walks over to us. "Breeds eternal misery. We lost Toby a while ago. We just didn't know it. Oh you got to love the Hastings. I just get realeased from a mental hospital, and they welcome my friends with tea and crumpets."
"What's the difference between a crumpet and a english muffin?" I ask.
"Leah, does it matter?" Aria asks.
"I'm just making conversation." I reply.
"Shouldn't you know? You were over in England for a few weeks." Hann says.
"I know. But I still don't get the difference." I respond.
"A English muffin is a baked bread. It's made of dough. And a crumpet is a griddle cake." Spence answers picking up a crumpet before tossing it back into the small basket it was in. "It's made of batter."
"How are you Spence?" Em asks.
"I'm alright." Spence says.
"You know you don't have to pretend to be ok for us." I tell her.
"Yeah, if this was the act you had to pull off to get out of there, then..." Hann says.
"Do you remember when you were in the lighthouse, Emily?" Spence asks. "And you had to make that choice? It was either him or you? I wasn't as strong as you were."
"When I saw Toby in the woods... like that, I just gave up." Spence says.
"So what changed?" Em asks. "You seem like you're back to yourself."
"I decided I didn't want to be a victim anymore." Spence answers. "That's not who I am."
She then walks over a picks up a pile of envelopes before handing one to each of us.
"What's this?" Aria asks.
"My parents told all of their friends I went to Radley for exhaustion, so they want to throw a soiree to make sure that everybody knows that I'm all better now." Spence replies. "Could really use some support. Could you guys please come?"
"Of course." Aria says.
"Sure." Em says.
"Yeah. You know we'd do anything for you." Aria says.
"Leah?" Spence asks.
I look at the date to see it's a Friday which is the day I head up to Phily to spend the weekend with me dad.
"You know I'll be there if you need me to be Spence." I tell her.
My dad can wait one more day , just this once.
"I'm counting on that." I hear Spencer say quietly.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now