77- Gamma zeta die

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==========77- Gamma Zeta dieBest friends brother- Pretty Little Liars"I understand why you didn't tell me, I really do

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77- Gamma Zeta die
Best friends brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I understand why you didn't tell me, I really do. I'm just happy I know now. I would really like to build a bond with you. A bond like most siblings have. Minus the fighting."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I walk into the girls English class after everyone had left and take a seat in front of Emily.
"Hey, you guys. Why would I dream that? I mean 'A''s about to drop the hammer on my mom." Hann says.
"The only thing your dream is telling you is that you should be drink more milk before you go to bed." Spence tells her.
"My dad's gun is missing, Spencer!" Hann says.
"Yeah, and it looks really bad, but we've gone over this." Aria tells us.
"'A' has tried to frame us before." I remind Hann.
"It's not framing if you actually did it." Hann says.
"Hanna, this is your mother." Em says. "Ok, she looked you in the eye and told you she didn't do it."
"Don't you guys have a class to get to?" Aria's mom asks us from her desk.
"Yeah, we're going." Aria answers.
"You'd get there faster if you feet were actually moving." Ella says grabbing her bag and walking towards the door leaving the room.
"Whoa. What's with your mom?" I ask. "That was really harsh."
"I don't know she's been really werid the past few days." Aria says. "Makes me wonder if 'A' has moved on from Hanna's mom to mine."
"Well 'A' can multi task. Can you guys come over after school?" Hann asks.
"I can't I have a strategy session at the brew. "Spence says. "My mom's hired a spin doctor to make me shiny and new again."
"Sorry?" I ask.
"It's a admi couch." Spence expalins as we start heading out the classroom. "She wants him to wave his magic lofa and get me into college."
Hann walks in the oppisite direction while me, Aria and Em walk over to Spencer's locker with her.
"How much do you think a spin doctor lik that cost?" Em asks.
"It's the Hastings, so probably more then your car." Aria says.
"Guys, this isn't about money." Spence says. "I mean, the last thing on my mind right now is trying to sell myself. With everything that happend with Melissa and then Tippi being birdnapped."
"Don't even bring up that singing canary." I tell her.
"Parrot." She corrects me.
"Whatever. We don't have the bird or the beast." I respond. "Now that Melissa's gone we have very little to go on."
"Well, if Melissa was telling the truth about anything, we should be following the Ali trail." Spence says.
"And that trail ends with 'board shorts' and our only way of finding him was through Tippi's phone number." Em says.
"I've already spent days researching that stupid number." Aria says. "I can't find a single thread that links Wilden, Ian, or Garrett to York County."
"Hold up. Wait there's a college there. I just saw it." Spence says opening the book filled with information on different colleges.
"Cicero. Cicero college." I say pointing to the college.
"Is there a contact number?" Aria asks.
"Yeah." Spence replies showing us it.
"That's intresting." I respond.
"What?" Em asks while I get a peice of paper, I had with Tippi's phone number on, out of my notebook.
"The area code and the prefix are the same." I say putting the paper next to the number in the book.
"Look like we just got a little closer." Aria says.

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