136- The gloves are On

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==========136- The gloves are onBest friends brother- Pretty little liars"I know

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136- The gloves are on
Best friends brother- Pretty little liars
"I know. Ok, I know. But I still love you ok, you will always be my sister. And I will never do anything to hurt you, I wouldn't do anything that could backfire onto you. But, I am not going to pretend to be sorry that the person who made your life a living hell, who tormented you five years later, I am not going to say that I am sorry that they are dead because I am not."- Ezra Fitz

Leah Hart get to Ezra Fitz's apartment and knock on the door.
"Hey Lea, come in." He says before she walk into the apartment. "I wasn't expecting you over."
"I need to talk to you." Leah tell him.
"Ok?" He says confused.
"Where were you the night Charlotte was killed?"

Leah's P.O.V
I was staring at my brother waiting for him to answer my question.
"And don't lie to me. I've known you long enough know to know when you are lying." I tell him.
"I went on a walk with Aria after she told me she couldn't sleep. Then she left and I came home." He answers.
Aria was right. He's not telling the truth. He won't even look at me.
"If that's the truth then look at me and say it." I tell him.
"Leah. Please don't do this." He says.
"Tell me the truth Ezra!" I demand.
"I didn't kill Charlotte! Ok, I promise. I didn't. Please, just believe me and drop it." He says.
"Ezra, this is not just something to just drop!" I explain.
"Leah, I swear to you. I did not kill Charlotte." He says.
"Why can't you look me in the eye and tell me you went home after Aria left you then?" I ask.
"I don't know. Just please. Drop it." He says.
"Fine. I'll drop it for now. But if I find out your lying. I won't ever talk to you again." I tell him before walking out the apartment.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I had been helping Spencer for her moms campain when Hanna had come to tell us her mom was in trouble.
"Wait, what do you mean, your moms in trouble?" I ask.
"Lorenzo knows the tape was erased." Hann tells us.
"Wait. You actually erased it?" I ask.
"Yes." She answers before looking at Spencer. "You have to ask your mom..."
"My mom's not an attoney right now, she's a candidate." Spence reminds her. "I cannot ask her anything. I can't talk to you right now, I'm in the middle of an interview."
"Spencer, the police have a list of everyone who stayed at the hotel that night. Someone was murdered and you're going to get questioned." Hann explains. "We all are."
Hann then leaves.
"I'll go talk to her." I say before following Hanna.

Above the grille...

Leah's P.O.V
Hanna had told me about how she was going to see Lucas who was currently staying in an apartment above the Grille. Me and Hann had just got to his apartment and Hann knocked on the door.
Hey Hanna, hey Leah." Lucas says answering the door. "Wait Leah? Leah Hart?"
"Hey Lucas." I say hugging him.
"Hey. Come in. Come in." He says as me and can walk into the apartment. "Can I get you guys something to drink?"
"I'm ok. thank you." Hann says.
"Same. Thanks for asking though." I add.
"Of course." He replies. "What can I do for you guys?"
"Were you here the night Charlotte DiLaurentis was killed?" Hann asks.
"Why?" He asks looking at us concerned.
"After the hearing we all went back to the hotel. And we got trashed." Hann says.
"And?" Lucas asks causing me and Hann to look at eachother before looking back at him.
"We collapsed in Hanna's room. But now the police think that we snuck out and killed 'A'." I explain. "Or Charlotte."
"I was thinking, maybe... maybe you could say you came to my room. And you brought me takeout and we talked until the sun came up." Hann says before there was a moment of silence. "You know what, forget it. Uhm... sorry I even asked."
"You want me to by your alibi?" Lucas asks as Hanna walks over to the door.
"No. No, I really didn't think this through. Let's just pretend we never came here. Lea, you coming?" Hann replies before I walk over to her. "Hey, when you're in New York let's get dinner."
"Guys... you need me I'm there for you." He says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Really. I've also seen you both as friends and if you need me then I'm here for you." He says.
"Thank you." I say hugging him.
I know me and Lucas never really talked but I did always think of him as a friend, I'm happy that he felt the same way.

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