73- A is for A-l-i-v-e

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==========73- A is for A-l-i-v-eBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I don't want to be scared anymore

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73- A is for A-l-i-v-e
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't want to be scared anymore. I don't want to constantly live in fear."- Leah Hart

"Guys?" Aria asks as the girls get to Rosewoods town center.
"Wait is that?" Hann asks.
They all look ahead and see Wilden's car.
"Somebody pulled it out of the lake." Leah says.
They walk over to the car and see a video of Hanna's mom and Wilden talking before Hanna's mom runs him over.
"We have to get this out of here." Hann says.
"Wait there's more." Leah says as it glitches and two people walk onto the screen going over to Wilden who was laying on the floor.
"It's Jenna. And Shana?" Em says.
"They know Wilden?" Spence asks. Mona and Spencer then go round to the trunk. "Guys, look at the trunk."
The trunk was lifted a bit causing the six girls to look at eachother confused before their phones go off.
'You're mine now. -A'
Spencer opens the trunk and what they see causes them to gasp.
_____End of Flashback_____

Leah's P.O.V
Spencer opens the trunk of Wildens car and we see a dead pig. We all gasp and gag a little while looking around.
"Where's Mona?" Spencer asks.
"This was all her." Aria says.
"She set us up!" I add.
"Ok, lets go. Lets get out of here." Em says.
We all run back to the cars but Hanna goes to the front of the police car.
"Hanna!" I call over to her.
I look inside the car and see Mona sat there.
"Guys, someones coming. We have to go." Spence says.
We all run to the cars before pulling up next to Wildens car were Hanna and Mona get in.

At the Hasting's house...

Leah's P.O.V
"There's reports on the lodge but nothing about Wilden's car."Spencer says as she watches the tv.
"We;; I guess a fire trumps a dead pig." Hann says.
"You can stop staring out the window, Leah." Mona tells me. "The cops aren't coming to arrest us."
"I'm supposed to feel safe just because you say it's all ok now?" I ask. "After everything you put us through?"
"Do you think we'd be sitting here if someone saw us?" Mona asks.
"Want to know what I think?" Em asks. "I think that you are lucky that we're not beating the crap out of you."
"I believe you could, Emily. You really were the weakest link." Mona says. "But look how strong I made you. You should be thanking me."
"Ok, that's it." Em says walking over to Mona.
"Em! You know we all want to take a turn." Aria says.
"But we won't." Hann says.
"You like games, right, Mona?" Spence asks. "So lets play on called the thrid degree."
"How did you get that car out of the lake?" I ask.
"I didn't. I put the car in Hanna's garage and that was the last time I saw it." Mona says.
We all sit down and start asking Mona more questions.
"What about Shana and Jenna?" Hann asks.
"Shana knew Jenna before she came to Rosewood. I think she's in love with her. They're both afraid of Melissa." Mona explains.
"What about Cece? Do you know anything about her?" Aria asks.
"When Cece came to Radley, I thought she was Ali. I don't remember what we talked about. It was before they changed my meds." Mona responds.
"What about the massage I had a little while ago? Was that you?" Em asks.
"Lucas gave you that massage. He said you were tense." Mona replies.
"When did you recruite Toby?" Spence asks.
"I recruited Toby when he got that job in bucks County." She answers.
"Did you push Ian off the bell tower?" I ask.
"No I didn't." She responds. "I wish I knew who did."
"What about when I got ran over by the car. Was that you?" I ask.
"It wasn't me. I don't know who it was." She says.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now