11-Just a moment more

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==========11-Just a moment moreBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I can't lost you Leah, please

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11-Just a moment more
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I can't lost you Leah, please. Stay with me." Mike Montgomery

Aria's P.O.V
We watch as Leah gets put into the ambulance. We were all shaking and crying.
"We have to get to the hospital." Spencer tells us. "Are you guys ok to drive?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Emily says as Hanna nods in agreement.
"I'm just going to go home and tell Mike. See if he wants to come." I tell them.
"Ok, come on." Spencer says before her, Emily and Hanna start to walk away.
I go to follow them but look back when I see Noel. I watch him leave before running to catch up with the girls.

At the hospital...

No one's P.O.V
"Leah's parents are with the doctors." Emily tells her mom and dad over the phone. "I'm ok, but they don't know who was driving the car."
"The girls were at Mona's party when Leah got a text so I went to meet her and the girls at the parking lot and thats when she got hit." Hanna explains to her mom.
"She was unconscious. We couldn't talk to her. That's why we want to wait. Maybe they will let us see her or she may wake up." Spencer explains to Alex when she sees Leah's mom. "I'll call you back when I know something."

Emily's P.O.V
"Is she ok Mrs Hart?" Hanna asks.
"The doctors say she going to be ok. She is still unconscious, but they say once she wakes up she will only have a few injurys." Mrs Hart answers.
"Which are?" I ask.
"A broken leg, a broken ankle, broken arm, bruised rib." Leah's mum answers before sighing. "They say she may have memory loss because they saying she must have hit her head either when she was going over the car or when she hit the ground and she hit it pretty badly. But it should only be temporary."
"Should be?" Spencer asks.
"They aren't sure wether or not it will be perment if it does happen. My husband is still with the doctors." Mrs Hart explains before whispering. "What happened?"
"Um, Leah was coming across the parking lot, and this car just came out of nowhere." Spencer explains.
"Well the police found the car, they said it was stolen from the camp ground parking lot." Mrs hart tells us.
"Did they catch the driver?" I ask.
"No not yet." She answers.
"Well the police should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh." Spencer says.
"It wasn't Toby. The police picked him up before it happened." Mrs hart answers.
"What?!" I ask.
"They found him hiding behind the church. They were bringing him into the station when they got the call about Leah." Mrs Hart explains. "I thought I would come and let you know whats going on and see if you guys want to go home." Mrs Hart expains.
"Can we stay here?" Hanna asks.
"Aria's still not here because she went to tell Mike what happened." I inform her.
"Of course thats ok." She replies. "I'll go tell my husband you are staying then I will take you guys to go get some drinks from the cafe."
We all nod before she walks away and we look at eachother.
"Leah, can't forget us right?" I ask.
"Who knows." Hanna says.
"Let's just hope that she doesn't." Spencer says as we all sit down next to eachother.
"Toby isn't 'A'." I tell Spencer trying to get a conversation started so we can try and keep our minds off whats going on with Leah.
"Well leah knows who is. That's why 'A' tried to kill her." Spencer replies.
"You think they're trying to scare us?" I ask.
"Well, it most definitly worked." Hanna says.
"It wasn't to scare us. That was just a bonus. This started with a murder. We were crazy to think that this wouldn't happen." Spencer says.
"Should we tell the cops?" I ask.
"Tell them what?" Hanna questions.
"Everything." I reply.
"We don't know everything." Spencer says.
"So, what do we do?" Hanna asks.
"Well, we talk to Leah before we do anything." Spencer says.
"Is Leah going to be safe here?" Hanna asks.
"Yeah." Spencer replies after a couple moments. "I mean nothing will happen if someone is with her the whole time. Which they will be."
"I hope you right." I say.

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