81- Into the deep

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==========81- Into the deepBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Ali was my best friend

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81- Into the deep
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Ali was my best friend. So if you know anything about her, you have to tell me."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day after Mona had confessed to killing Wilden. I was current on a walk with Mike. We weren't planning on going anywhere set we just wanted to go on a walk and get out of our houses for a bit.
"I just don't know what to think about Mona confessing killing Wilden." I admit.
"Well, in my opinion she could have done it. I mean. She ran you over with a car and nearly pushed you off a cliff." Mike points out.
"I don't need to be reminded." I say with a laugh. "I just hope that she won't find a way to drag us into all of this. But knowing her she will."
"Well..." He says putting a arm around my shoulders. "I won't let that happen."
"You're so sweet." I say jokingly causing us both to laugh.
"But seriously though." I say as Mike removes his arm from around my shoulder. "Why the hell would Mona admit to that. She didn't do it so why would she say she did?"
"How do you know she didn't do it?" Mike asks.
"Because she was with me and the girls when it happened." I answer causing him to give me a concerned, worried and confused look all at once. "It's a long story."
"It better be a good one for you to be spending time with the person who tried killing you multiple times." Mike says.
"I may not trust her fully yet but I do believe she's changed. She's trying to help use find out who 'A' is now." I tell him.
"Maybe that's all an act to throw you off it being her again." He says.
"She's not that stupid. She's told and given us everything she has on us. She has no amonition now." I tell him.
"That may be true but that doesn't mean she's not helping this new 'A'." He says.
"Mike, please. You have to let the past go. If I am able to start forgiving her so should you." I tell him.
"Well I am sorry that I care about you, and don't want to forgive the person who made your life tourture and nearly killed you multiple times." Mike says before starting to walk faster so he could be ahead of me.
"Mike, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I appreaciate that you care about me, ok? I really do."I tell him, but he just ignores me causing me to stop walking while he continues to go ahead. "Mike!"

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was walking around school with Aria and Spencer. I haven't talked to Mike since yesterday, to be honest I don't think he wants to talk to me.
"Hanna's convinced Mona did all this as a way to right all the wrongs." Aria says.
"When has Mona ever done anything out of the goodness of her heart?" Spence asks.
"What heart?" I reply. "I just can't believe Hanna actually was going to admit to it herself."
"Same." Aria says.
"Mona told the police we bullied her once. She could do it again." Spence says.
"What, like we forced her to confess?" I ask.
"Yeah." Spence says. "And she still has that picture 'A' sent of the five of us standing outside Wilden's car that night."
"Yeah, but Mona was there to." Aria says as we get to her locker.
"Not according to the picture." I point out.
Aria sighs before opening her locker and pulling out a framed photo of Em and Paige.
"Check it out." Aria says.
"You toke this?" Spence asks as Aria hands the picutre to her.
"Yeah, I toke it at a meet last year." Aria answers.
"She's going to love it." I tell her.
"Ok, we should go. I told Paige we would be at her aunts house in, like, 20 minutes." Aria says.
"With everything going on, I still don't understand why she is throwing a party." Spence says.
"Emily's been living like a refugee for days now. I think Paige just thought she deserves at least a piece of cake." I tell her.
We go to walk around the corner but see Shana and Jenna.

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