88- Close encounters

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==========88- Close encountersBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You are my best friend! Not was! I may hate you for keeping this big of a secret but that doesn't matter

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88- Close encounters
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You are my best friend! Not was! I may hate you for keeping this big of a secret but that doesn't matter. You'll always be my best friend."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
After getting that text me, Em and Aria called Hann and Spence to tell them what happened.
We were currently in the car. Spence was driving, Aria was in the passanger seat while me, Hann and Em in the back with me sat in the middle once again.
"The text said the busy bee inn." Aria tells them. "Can't this thing drive any faster?"
"It's hard to see out here. There's no lights on this road." Spence says.
"The GPS says it's a mile straight ahead." Aria says.
"Can someone tell mewhy I'm always stuck in the middle seat?" I ask.
"Because you're the youngest." Em replies.
"By like a year." I say.
"Still younger." Em says causing me to jokingly roll my eyes.
"If 'A''s been at the inn since he sent that text aren't we going to be to late to help Ali?" Hann asks.
"We won't know until we get there." Spence says.
"That's IF Ali's even there." Em says. "We're going off something she won't in a journal two years ago."
"There it is. Turn right." Aria tells Spence.

We walk into the room to find it all messy and the window smashed.
"What the hell happened here?" Hann asks.
"Looks like there was some kind of a struggle." Spence says walking over to the smashed window.
"I could definitely see Ali wearing this." I say holding up a flowrel top.
"If Ali was here, where did she go?" Aria asks.
"Maybe he thought 'A' off and got away." Em suggests.
2Yeah, or he toke her somewhere else." Spence says looking out the window.
"Or worse." Aria says.
"Good positivity guys." I say sarcastically.
The door then slowly closes, due to the wind, while it creaks.
'You're to late. -A'

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was walking into the church to drop off a cake for a event that was going on there. I was on the phone with Aria.
"I just can't get over everything." I tell Aria as I enter the church.
"Do you mean everything with Ali or everything with Mike and Hanna?" Aria asks.
"Both. I know what you are going to say. I'm over it so you should be as well. But it just hurts the fact that neither of them said anything." I tell her. "Especially when me and Mike started dating."
"I wasn't going to say that, Leah. And I understand that. But, trust me, when I say, I think they didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt you. They both love you loads. Mike especially. They were just looking out for you." Aria tells me.
"I know." I reply. "Anyway. I better go."
"Ok. Talk to you soon." She says.
"Talk soon." I reply before hanging up.
I place the cake on a table before going over and lighting a candle. I then hear a noise.
"Hello?" I ask looking around. "Anyone there?"
I then walk around and try different doors but they were all locked.
"Hello Leah." A familar voice says causing me to turn around.
"Shana?" I ask shocked. "Are you following me?"
"I have a message for you." Shana tells me.
"A message? From who?" I ask.
"Alison." She answers.
"Alison's dead." I say walkig past her. "Isn't that what you told Spencer at the hospital?"
"We both know that's not true." Shana says following me. "She wants you guys to stop looking for her. It's too dangerous. You almost got her killed at the inn last night."
"Why would I believe anything you have to say? After everything you have done to Emily and everything with Jenna?" I ask. "You didn't know Alison."
"Listen Leah, I've known her since I was three. I grew up next door to her grandparents in Georgia." She says.
"If you knew Alison, you wouldn't be friends with Jenna." I tell her.
"Alison asked me to come to Rosewood to help find out who tried to kill her. Jenna was on the list." Shana tells me. "Keep your friends closer and you enemies closer."
"If you really are talking to her... prove it." I respond.
"How?" She asks.
"Find out what Ali had said to me the night she disappeared and what she gave me that day." I tell her.
"Ok." She says nodding her head.
"See you." I say before leaving.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now