107- March of crimes

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==========107- March of crimes Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Leah, hey

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107- March of crimes
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Leah, hey. Hey. You're ok. I'm here. You're ok."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Ali ended up not going with her dad and instead coming back to mine. She had just got done telling me, Spencer and Emily that they whole intruder thing was planned. It was safe to say that I was extremely mad at her. My mom was so freaked out that she called my dad to come down and stay with us.
"Why would Noel help you with this?" Em asks her.
"What was the plan if he got caught?" Spence questions. "'I'm sorry Mrs Hart I just needed to borrow a butcher knife.'"
"You're a little loud." Ali says.
"And you're a little crazy!" I shout. "What the hell is wrong with you, Alison? I can't beleive you would do that to my mom. To me!"
"Leah you need to calm down." Spence says touching her eye.
Spence had got kicked in the eye by a horse when her and Em went to the stables.
"Spence, you're eye is getting worse." I tell her.
"Yeah. I see plenty out of the other one." Spence says as Hann gets her a wet towel.
"Hey." Hann says coming into the room. "You're dad let me in. How's your mom?"
"Freaked." I answer.
"Guys, we needed to do this." Ali tells us. "You saw Tanner cornering me at school. She's trying to poke holes in our story."
"Your story." Spence says before Ali's phone goes off.
She looks at it before putting it back down without answering.
"Oh, was that Noel? Is that who you've been sneaking out of your house in the middle of the night to meet?" I ask.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Ali asks. "You've been spying on me? Well maybe now you'll understand why I turned to Noel. At least some still has my back."
"Ali." Em says.
"What? I see what's going on here. My one of my best friends doesn't even show up to my SOS call. And the other one is..." Ali says before looking at me. "Shadowing me like I'm the enemy."
"Can you blame me?" I ask. "This is my house, Alison. And you got Noel to break in. When 'A' is targeting me. I thought it was 'A' coming after me and my mom. Seriously, what is wrong with you!"
"Maybe asking Noel to do this wasn't the perfect plan, but I'm kind of running out of choices." Ali says before walking to the door.
"WHere are you going?" Em asks.
"I'm going to call my dad back. I'd like to do it outside, but Leah are you going to follow me or have you already set up a camera for that?" Ali asks.
"I was the one who set up the Alison, not Leah." Spencer tells her.
"And there is a camera, for 'A'. So you might want to warn Noel about that." I reply sitting on my bed.
Ali looks at us for a moment before leaving. Spence goes over and looks around the doorframe.
"You know, she never answered that question about Noel." Spence says. "The only thing I can't figure out is how he had time to break into this place and lock us into the stables."
"Spencer, it wasn't Noel's helmet in those stables. I mean, we should be wondering if Melissa..." Em starts saying.
"My sister wasn't the one who hired Noel Kahn to terrorise Leah's mother." Spence points out. "For all we know she could have asked Noel  to chock her that night in her living room. And that's how 'A' was here to chock Leah, because it was Noel who chocked Alison. She's clearly gone rouge."
"I walked in on that Spencer, it wasn't Noel. Niether of them were." Em says.
"You sure?" Spence asks before I see Hann driving some alcohol out of a flask.
"Can I have some?" I ask standing up and going over to her.
"Sure." Hann replies handing me the flask before I take a big gulp.
"Leah. Easy." Spence tells me.
"You know what? Last time I checked this was still my bedroom, till somebody else got in and invaded it." I reply.
"I agree, with Leah. I mean, even the doorknob smells like her." Hann says.
"Why were you smelling my door knob? When did you get chance to?" I ask as Em's phone goes off.
"It's my mom. I got to go." Em says.
"Take me with you." I say.
"Leah, you can't stay at my house. I thought you didn't mind Ali staying here." Em says.
"That was until she pulled this stunt." I reply. "Guys, please."
"Lea. You know you're welcome anytime but with everything going on with my parents its probably not the best idea." Spence tells me.
"Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Sorry. Don't worry. I'll be fine here." I say.
"What about Ezra?" Hann asks. "Can't you go stay with him again?"
"It's fine. I'' be all good here." I reply sitting on my bed.
"Ok. Call if you need anything ok." Em tells me hugginf.
"Yeah. I will thanks." I reply hugging her back before she leaves.

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