60- It's over

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==========60- It's over Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It's over, Leah

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60- It's over
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's over, Leah. I can't do this anymore."- Mike Montgomery

_____Leah's dream_____
The young brunette girl was asleep in her bed when the sound of her bedroom door opening wakes her up. She looks towards where the hallway light had been peaking through to find one of the people she has missed the most.
"Couldn't even wait for me to come back could you?" The girls best friend smiles.
"I was tired and haven't felt well. Ever since you have been coming into my dreams I have been feeling really lightheaded and have had major headaches." Leah explains.
"So what? You want me to leave?" Alison asks going to leave the room.
"No! God no! I can't lose you again. I won't lose you again." The younger of the two exclaims.
"You really miss me don't you?" The older one says with a smirk going and sitting on her best friends bed.
"How could I not." Leah asks. "You're my best friend Ali. Always have been always will be."
"I miss you to, Lea. I regret leaving you so much." Ali says.
"It's not your fault! It's not like there was anything you could have done." The brunette girl says with a sigh. "Me and the girls have seen your ortopsy report."
"Let me guess. When Em or you were in hosptial they broke into the room and stole it." The blonde says with a smirk and a laugh.
"How do you know about that?" Leah asks.
"The one good thing about this is that I can always keep an eye on you girls. And if anyone hurts any of you. I can haunt them." Ali says before they both laugh. "I have especially been haunting Mona."
"Ali!" Leah says with a laugh.
"Chill, I'm joking." Alison says laughing as well.
"You better be." Leah says.
"That bitch is already crazy another. No need for me to make her anymore crazy. Even though I would love to." Ali tells them causing them both to laugh again.
"God my head." Leah says placing a hand on her head.
"You ok?" The blonde girl asks.
"Yeah. Just my headaches come back. And my vision is really blurry." The brunnette replies.
"I'll get going. Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow night." Alison says.
"Ok." The younger one says before laying back down as the blonde girl stands by the door and watches her for a few moments before leaving.
_____End of Leah's dream_____

_____On the Tv_____
"Jury selection is expected to conclude today, and defence attorney Veronica Hastings, made a statement to reporters this morning."
"My Client is emotionally exhausted. But he is relieved to know that he is finally going to have the opportunity to clear his name,"

Leah's P.O.V
"How did this get so big?" Hanna asks while I sit in the Hastings kitchen with her, Spencer and Aria, who was on the phone. "I mean it's like all eyes are on Rosewood."
"I can't help but think Toby took that job in Bucks County to avoid all this." Spence says.
"She's taking the long way becuse reporters are hounding her for interviews." Aria says while talking about Emily.
"Ok, so how are we going?" Spence asks.
"Well, Emily thinks she's coming over so we can apologise. But, when she realises what this is, she'll probably be more mad at us than she was before?" I say.
"I am not looking forward to seeing that." Spence says.
"In a successful intervention the loved one feels safe, not judged." Hann says.
"Great, right, so we'll start out all warm and fuzzy, and then we just have to hit her with the truth." I say.
"And that's your que." Aria says to Spence.
"Ok, all right. So... Paige was jealous of Ali, we know that Paige was jealous of Maya, and she was with Emily that night, it was easy for her to set us up." Spencer says.
"Right. And she has the other earring." Aria points out, "So she must have Ali's body right?"
"Yeah." Spence says.
"God, the idea of pigskin having Ali's body freaks me out even more." I say before the girls look at me weridly. "What?"
"Wait I don't get it." Hann says ignoring what I just said. "If Paige was so into Emily, why would she drug her? And then why would she drug herself?"
"Hann, I thought we were all on the same 'A' page here." Spence says.
"We are. This is a practice run." Hann answers.
"Right, ok. Uh..." Spencer syas trying to come up with something.
"Drugging yourself is the best Alibi ever." I say. "Do you guys remember that movie. Basic Instinct?"
"Kind of." Aria says.
"Well Paige has pulled a classic Sharon Stone move." I say.
"Look, remember I'm Emily here. We still think 'A' is working with Mona. So what is your connection?" Hann asks.
"Two people who hated Ali." Sence says.  "Maybe one of them killed her and the other covered their tracks."
"Or still covering their tracks, by stealing Ali's body and pinning it on us." Aria says.
"Yeah. And the ultimate prize... Paige get's Emily all to herself." I say.
Em then arrives and Spencer lets her in while the rest of us go sit down.
"Hey, you want some coffee?" Aria asks Emily, who just stands there looking at us with her arms crossed as Spencer comes and stands next to her.
"Em, you know how much we love you, right?" Hann asks. "We love you enough to tell you the truth even when it hurts."
"This doesn't sound like an apology." Em says.
"I had to get you here, Emily." Aria tells her.  "Ok, I'm sorry for lying."
"What is this?" Em asks.
"It's the four people who love you the most in the world trying to get you to see who Paige really is." I tell her.
"I can't believe it. The trail starts and this is how you guys show up for me." Em says.
"We support you Emily, we do." Spencer tells her. "but we're pretty sure Garrett did not kill Maya." Spence tells her.
"And you think Paige did? Are you out of your friggin minds?" Em questions before looking at Aria. "When did it become so easy for you to lie to your friends?"
Em then goes to leave.
"Emily wait." Hann says causing Emily to turn around as Hann puts the earring on the counter.
"We found that at the trunk shop, in Paige's bag." Spencer tells her.
"it's the other earring Aria put in Ali's casket." I add.
"We found a lot of other things exactly were 'A' put them." Em says. "Four against one. 'A' wins."
Em then leaves.
"That's exactly what Paige wanted." Spence says.
"Great so now what?" Aria asks.
"Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to talk to Paige." I say.
"No you're not." Hann says.
"Why not? It's what needs to be done." I say before leaving as well.

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