139- Where somebody waits for me

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==========139- Where somebody waits for meBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "If we don't turn on eachother we will be fine

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139- Where somebody waits for me
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"If we don't turn on eachother we will be fine."- Caleb Rivers

Leah's P.O.V
I was stood looking done at a contraption that was all too familar. It was the switches that were infront of me the first time 'A' gave me an eletric shock while we were in the dollhouse. My head tells me to scream and climb back up the ladder to tell not only Aria and Spencer but Ashley, that this was in her hotel, but my PTSD tells me not to.
Aria and Spencer soon join me coming over and having a look.
"Well, now I know where Charlotte learnt all those special little skills she had.
We then look around and I spot a door, the other two walk over to me.
"All this dust and the doorknob is clean." I say looking at the two of them before opening the door and walking through.
"leah, stay close." Aria tells me as I walk ahead of them.
"Why's this hallway so narrow?" I ask.
"Cause it's not a real hallway." Spence answers. "It's been walled off. And this whole section of the sanitarium sealed like something in a Poe story."
"So what? They put this wall up when they turned this place into a hotel?" Aria asks.
"The sanitarium must have done it." Spence says.
"Why?" I ask.
"To avoid having to explain things like that motivational experiment back there." Spence says. "Buildings have secrets, too, just like people."
"So, the hotel doesn't know this exists?" Aria asks.
"I bet it's not in any of the blueprints." Spence says.
"But Sara knew." I point out.
"How do you suppose that happened?" Spence asks.
"Long, quiet chat with Charlotte?" I say.
"Mmm-hmm." Spence replies.
We find a filing cabinet that had no dust on it. We moved it to reveal a passage way. I was first to cimb through followed by Aria, then Spencer. We find a door and open it.
"Are we still in Pennsylvania?" Aria asks as we see we are in the middle of no where.
"We're behind the Radley some place." Spence says.
"Well, this explains how Sara's been getting in and out of her hotel room to mess with us." I point out.
"Why go through so much trouble just to sneak out of a hotel room?" Spence asks.
"Maybe sneakings only part of it." I suggest.
"You're still really good at this." Aria says.
"Yeah, well, I've had a lot of practice." I say before we start walking to find a way back to the front of the hotel.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Emily had just got to the brew to meet up with Aria and Spencer so we could tell Em about the hole in the wall. I felt really bad about leaving Em, but she ressured me that it was ok and that she wasn't alone cause Ali was there.
"A hole in the closet?" Em asks after we had told her.
"Yeah, with all this space underneath." Spence replies. "Whole parts of Radley that have been sealed off. Parts from when Charlotte was there."
"Should we tell Hanna's mom?" Em asks.
"No. If we tell Mrs marin, she'll throw Sara out, lock, stock and ladder." Aria says. "This way, we know about her escape hatch, but she doesn't know that we know."
"Maybe I really did see her in the clinic." Em says.
When we first got here Em had told Spence and Aria what was going on.
"Have you checked in with them to make sure everythings ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm going to go over there as soon as they open." Em answers. "Guys, we need to tell Ali."
"Tell Alison what?" Aria asks.
"She was with me at the clinic." Em tells them. "And she needs to know about that. She needs to know about Sara."
"Ok, if we do tell Alison, we need to be ready for her to turn right around and go talk to the police about it." Spence says.
"Maybe that should happen." Aria says. "Maybe this is a new problem and we're getting stuck in old thinking. Secrets are getting toxic again."
"I don't know, just keep on trying to get in touch with Hanna. I have to go meet my mom at headquaters." Spence says.
Spence then leaves and I look at Em who was checking the time on her phone.
"Want me to come with you?" I ask.
"Honestly no. I want to do this myself." She replies.
"Are you absolutely sure?" I ask as me, her and Aria all stand up.
"yeah, I'll be alright. Or I will be soon." She says. "Besides, don't you have a zoom interview for that movie you just finished filming?"
"Yeah, that's not for an... hour. Shit." I say. "I got to go. Bye."
I then run out the Brew and run back to the apartment.

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