153- The dArkest knight

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==========153- The dArkest knightBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Me and you

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153- The dArkest knight
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Me and you. We've been through more together then anyone in the group. You are the little sister I always wanted."- Alison DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
There was still no word from Hanna. We had decided to finally call he police and declare her as missing. me, Aria, Emily, Spencer, Ali, Caleb and Mona were at Spencer's house going over the plan.
"If we do this, there's no stepping back from it." Aria says.
"And we risk the police finding out about Archer." Spence adds.
"You mean finding out that Leah ran him over and you buried him like a dog." Caleb says.
"Wow, thanks Caleb. I 100% needed to be reminded about what happened." I say sarcastically.
"Sorry." He says causing me to shurg my shoulders.
"To quote my dead husband, 'Karma's a bitch.'" Ali says.
"It was an accident." Em points out.
"And we know how it looks, we did it to protect Leah." Spence says.
"Again, thanks for reminding me." I say quietly to myself.
"I'm going to try Hanna one last time." Caleb says.
"Let's just ping her cell and go get her." Mona says.
"I gave her a new phone, ok. You can't hack it." Caleb says.
"Why isn't she picking up?" Aria asks.
"Because Noel probably has her locked up in a slaughter hole like he did with Leah." Em says.
"Why do you guys need to keep on reminding me about this stuff!"I shout before walking out.

Aria's P.O.V
"I'll go talk to her." I tell the group.
"Wait a minute." Mona says stopping me from going to follow Leah. "She just needs some time to cool off. For now, let's just call the cops and told them everything you just told us about Jenna and Noel."
"And Sara, none of us believe that was an accident." Em says.
"I'm heading to the Radley, maybe Jenna can lead us to Noel." Mona says.
"Do we call Fury or 911?" Spence asks after Mona left.
"Noel is out there somewhere and he might have Hanna." I remind her.
Spencer then calls 911, while I go to talk to Leah.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask Leah as I sit next to her on the steps of the Hasting's house.
"I just don't need people reminding me 24/7 about what I did to Elliot. I don't need to be reminded at all. It's hard to forget." She replies looking down.
"Leah, it was an accident. There was nothing you could have done. He's the one who stopped in front of the car, giving you no time to stop. If it's anyone's fault it is his." I tell her.
"I killed someone, Aria. How is that not my fault?" She asks. "And they still haven't found Nicole. Me and her were really close before it happened. I really got my hopes up that she would have been one of the survivors."
"Come here." I say putting my arm around her shoulder and pulling her into my side. "It'll be ok. Just because Nicole wasn't one of the survivors they have found doesn't mean they won't find more, and one of them will be Nicole."
"I really hope you're right." She says resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I know Nicole is Ezra's ex and you're his fiance. It's probably hard for you hearing me say I miss her."
"It's ok. I understand you guys are close. I also want Nicole to be ok." I tell her. "I'm not some monster who doesn't want her to be ok just so I don't have to compete with her for Ezra."
"There won't be no competition. Ezra loves you." She replies.
"But he also loves Nicole." I point out.
"Not as much as he loves you." She replies. "Anyway, we should probably head back inside. I heard Spencer calling 911."
With that we both stand up and go back inside.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now