52- A broken heart

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==========52- A broken heart Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "We have to find her! I am not losing Leah like I lost Alison

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52- A broken heart
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We have to find her! I am not losing Leah like I lost Alison."- Jason DiLaurentis

Mike's P.O.V
It had been a few days after Leah Disappeared and we were all worried as hell. The last time anything like this happened in this town was when Alison went missing, and she was murdered. All I could think was if anything had happened to my girlfriend I will be broken. I don't know what I would do without her. The year she was in Hawaii and I had no clue where she was, was toture. I can't imagine going through that ever again, especially not having her around ever again. I will find her if it's the last thing I do.

Jason's P.O.V
Why does history keep on having to repeat itself. Leah missing is bringing everything with Ali back. We have no clue where Leah is and it's been days. It's scaring the living hell out of me. I refuse to lose her like I lost Ali. Leah may not be my sster by blood but I have known her for years and we have developed a bond that is like brother and sister. She's the only thing I have left in this town. And I can't lose her. I know that if I lose her I will never come back here again. Maybe that isn't a bad thing not coming back. But, the reason, it's unbearable to think about.

Elizabeth and Adam's P.O.V
Our little girl is missing and we have no Idea what to do. She's been missing for 3 days now and there is no sign of her. It's absoulute pain not knowing where is is and if she is safe or not. We can't lose her like the DiLaurentis lost Alison. But what's happening now with Leah and what happened with Alison is the same. They both disappeared without the trace. It's hard knowing the last time we saw our little girl is when she was running out the house crying. We still have no idea what happened. The only clue we have is that we found a braclet that she had which was matching with one Alison had on her desk. She's not answering anyone's calls and we all know she has her phone as it is no where in her bedroom or no where o be found. We just hope she is ok had her phone has just died.

Aria's P.O.V
I can't believe another one of my best friends are missing. First Ali disappeared and now Leah. We found out Ali died a year later. I don't think I can o through finding out Leah has died as well. Not only because I have already gone through it once. And not only because she is my best friend. But because she is like my little sister and she means the world to me. Not only that but she is my brothers girlfriend. Mike will be devistated. We all will be. Leah is one of the happiest people I know. She can brighten up your day no matter how bad it has been. She means the world to a lot of people.

Spencer's P.O.V
Leah's missing. And I don't know what to do. She means a lot to a lot of people, Myself included. She's one of the funniest, most caring and kind person I know. But she is also so brave. She's younger then me, Em, Hann and Aria but she still sometimes seems to be the bravest when it comes to 'A'. She nearly got pushed off a cliff and somehow she comforted Hanna right after. That just shows how brave she is. She is my best friend just like Alison was. I don't know what I would do if I loose both of them. I already lost Ali. I can't lose Leah to.

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