36- Dangers with love

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==========36- Danger with love Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "How many times do I have to tell you? I love you, Leah

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36- Danger with love
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"How many times do I have to tell you? I love you, Leah. And that will never change. No matter what you tell me."- Mike Montgomery

Back to present time...

Leah's P.O.V
After we had been caught with the shovel that was the supposed murder weapon that killed Ali a few weeks ago, Mrs Hastings had managed to get me and the girls out of being arrested but instead we had to do community service. So right now we were in the park picking up rubbish.
"Only an hour and 30 minutes to go." Hanna says.
"I think it's more like two hours, but who's counting?" Aria replies as a girl walks past us.
"How many hours you got left?" The girl asks someone else loud enough for all of us to hear.
"Six months." The girl replied.
"But, your momma's not a big- shot lawer getting you and your pals community service for tampering with the evidence." The first girl says looking at Spencer.
"I thought you said they killed somebody?" The second one asks.
"That's what the cops think but the cops can't prove it." The forst one answers.
"Cops are stupid." The seoncd one says with a laugh.
"We didn't do anything." Em tells them.
"Don't talk to them." Spencer tells her.
"I'll talk to anybody I want to." Em says.
"No you won't." Spencer replies.
"And who's going to stop me?" Em asks.
"Both of you just shut up I don't want to hear it anymore." I tell them.
"How old are you?" The first girl asks me.
"13?" The second girl adds.
"Don't talk to her." Aria tells them before going back to what she was doing.
"Did you at least think about my idea?" Em asks Spence.
"It was a bad idea when they arrested us, it's a bad idea now." Spence replies.
"We finally have something soild, why won't you use it?" Em asks.
"Because, you can't make a deal with a rattlesnake." Spencer answers.
"You can if you have something to rattlesnakes wants." Em says.
"Can we stop talking about snakes?" Hanna asks.
"Listen to me." Spencer says turning to Em. "We aren't going to be making any kind of a deal with 'A'. That's finale."
"Maybe for you." Em says. "The rest of us don't have lawers for parents."
"Meaning what?" Spencer asks.
"Meaning, they may have gotten us a deal.But, if they ever figure out away to charge us for killing Ali, she'll throw the rest of us under the bus to save you and you'd let her." Emily answer before turning around.
Spencer then throws the trash bag she had at Em causing something to go all over her clothes. It looked absloutly disgusting.
"Hey!" Emily says before her and Spencer start to fight.
"Guys stop!" Aria says as they fall to the floor.
"You guys are acting like kids!" Hanna says as some officers come and pull Emily and Spencer off eachother and I stand in the middle.
"Whoa, Spencer! Stop!" I tell her as she charges at Emily and me and the officer who was holding her holds her back.
The other officer then grabs me and pulls me out of the way to stop me from getting hurt.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was walking with Mike as we were going to meet Aria and he was telling me about his new therapist.
"So you like this guy?" I ask.
"He's ok." He replies. "I mean, he's really old, but he's not a jerk. He doesn't make those listening noises like my first therapist. He's dialled down my meds, and he doesn't look at me like a bobblehead, like I catch my mom and dad sometimes."
"Hey, I'm sure they do not look at you like a bobble head. Everytime I've been round they haven't." I tell him.
"Really?" He asks. "I still catch them looking. And Aria. And you."
"Yeah. Well, we just want you to be ok." I tell him putting me hand on his shoulder.
"Well it's hard to do when people are waiting for you to turn into a zombie or something." He says. "By the way you sound just like Aria me ad her have had this exact conversation."
I look at him and we both burst out laughing.
"That's funny. I always saw you as one of those cute werewolf types." I say.
"Oh yeah?" He asks with a smile. "And why's that?"
"Because your cute." I say.
Out of nowhere he stops me from walking by stopping himself and grabbing my hand causing me to turn and look at him before he kisses me.
"God. Can you guys maybe not do that right in the middle of the street?" Aria asks coming up to us causing me and Mike to pull apart.
We all laugh before turning to walk away when Ezra comes out of the shop we were walking by.
"Hello." Mike says after a few awkward moments of silence.
"Hey Mike. Leah. Aria." He says.
"Hi." Aria says.
"Haven't seen you in a while." Ezra says.
"Yeah, I uh... don't really get over to Hollis much anymore." Aria replies.
"Me and Mike will go put this stuff in the bin." I say gesutring to the cup I had in my hand then taking Aria's empty one.
"Thanks." Aria says.
I see Mike looking between his sister and Ezra suspisciously so I grab his hand and drag him to the bin.

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