89- Bite your tounge

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=========89- Bite your toungeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Leah listen

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89- Bite your tounge
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Leah listen. I still love you. I want to be with you but I know you aren't ready. I can't just sit around and wait for you to be ready though. I would, but you told me not to. I love you."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Aria had jsut finished watching a film at the movies. We had got back to her house and got out of the car a walked across the road.
"Well, I missed like half the movie. That dude who was sat in front of us kept making sales calls." Aria says.
"Sales calls? I thought he was breaking up with someone." I say.
"He was. His car." Aria replies. "I swear if Spencer was there she would have pegged him with her jelly beans." I go slient and Aria ooks at me before sighing. "Ok. I'm sorry. But you can not hold onto this. Spence and Em were just trying to protect you."
"No. They were trying to control the situation. Emily was probably jealous that she reached out to me and not her, and Spencer was just being Spencer." I respond as we walk up to her front door.
"Leah, look. They thought you were making a mistake." Aria tells me.
"I did. By trusting them." I respond.
"Lea..." She says with a sigh.
"No, I was so close the finding out what happened to Alison the night she disappeared. And now, we'll never hear from her again." I reply before we hear loads of talking and loud music coming from inside the house. "What the hell?"
We walk in and see a massive party going on. Aria walks over and her and Mike talk for a couple seconds before Aria turns off the music. They then to continue talking before Aria starts to pick up a pizza box and a couple of cups. I then see a couple making out on Byron's desk.
"Uh, hello? This is somebody's desk. Move it!" I say to them as I hit the guy on the back.
"People are still eating." Mike complains as Aria hands him some boxes she had taken off of people.
"Well tell them it's takeout. I'm going upstairs, you have 10 minutes to clear all this people out." Aria tells him before walking past me. "Come on, Lea."
I look at Mike for a breath moment who was also looking at me. I give him a small smile before following Aria.

"Where is your dad anyway?" I ask Aria as we walk to her room.
"Teaching in Syracuse. I swear the next time he's out of town, I am so staying at your place." She answers as we walk into her room to find Mona.
"Hello there." Mona says.
"What are you doing here?" Aria asks.
"Using the restroom facilities." She answers.
"I don't have a toilet in my bedroom, Mona. What are you doing in my house?" Aria asks.
"I was invited here." She tells us before looking directly at me. "By Mike."
"Mike invited you?" I ask. "Here? Why?"
"This may come to a shock to you, Leah, but some people don't tuck and roll everytime I walk into a room." She says before looking at Aria. "Love your wallpaper by the way. It's so you."
"What the..." Aria whispers to me once Mona had walked past us.
"Oh and Leah." Mona says causing us both to turn to look at her. "I guess Mike really has move on."
Mona then leaves causing me and Aria to look at eachother confused.

The next day...

Mike's P.O.V
I was about to head to school, but when I walk past aria's room she calls me into her room.
"Look, I promise, I'm not trying to be a hard ass, ok? We just haven't really had a chance to talk about last night." She says.
"I promise I will finish cleaning after school." I tell her before going to leave.
"Wait." She tells me causing me to stop and turn to look at her. "What's the deal with Mona?"
"Uh, we talked in a group at school, and found out we have a lot of freinds in common." I tell her.
"What group?" She asks.
"It's a discussion group. In the counselling centre. We meet up after school and talk about stuff." I explain.
"ike what? Terror tatics?" She asks. "Mr Fazlli knows Mona's past."
"Faxelli retired. There's a know counsellor and he's actually really cool." I tell her.
"Well, I'm not cool with you cosying up to someone who spent junior year torturing me." She replies. "I mean seriously, was Mona here to poop or snoop?"
"All right. I got to go." I tell her going to leave again.
"Mona is a very dangerous person, Mike. She wasn't sent to Radley for spa treatment." She says causing me to stop and look at her again.
"Are you finished?" I ask.
"Mona, broke up our parents, all right? She's the one who wrote to mom about dad and Meredith." She says.
"Our parents broke themselves up, Aria." I snap back. "Maybe it's time to let go of that and stop judging."
"What, how am I..." She starts saying.
"People make mistakes, ok?" I cut in. "I've done a lot of crap that I'm not proud of myself. And I'm sure someone's standing right now in another bedroom, talking smack about me."
"There's no comparision. Mona tried destroyed our family." She says.
"If you've forgiven dad why can't you forgive the messenger?" I ask.
"Because she not only tortured me and tried to destroy our family, she tortured my friends." She replies. "She tortured Leah!"
I shake my head.
"I got to go." I say before walking out.

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