131- FrAmed

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==========131- FrAmedBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I couldn't think of anyone better to be my future sister in law

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131- FrAmed
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I couldn't think of anyone better to be my future sister in law."- Leah Hart

'Authorities have named Charles DiLaurentis as the lead suspect in the kidnapping of six Rosewood teens, as well as a seventh victim from Courtland. Both state and local cops remain tight lipped about most of the infomation.'

Leah's P.O.V
"Hey did Ali turn those home movies into the cops?" Spence asks me while me, her, Emily and Hanna sat in the Montgomery living room watching the news.
"I thinks so. Why?" I ask.
"Maybe they could do one of those age progression sketches. We could finally put a face to the name." Spence suggests.
"Maybe someone can put a fist to that face." Hann says.
"Well we are offically out of beans." Aria says as her and Alison brings us all in some coffee. "What did we miss?"
"Toby sys that the highway patrol is settig up checkpoints at all the states borders." Spence says after getting a message from Toby.
"Has he said anything else since he actidentlly eat half your stash?" Em asks.
Sabrina, the Brews baker, who I had become close with, had been given Spence stuff to help her sleep.
"He's texting me, that's a win." She answers.
"Guys, shh." I tell them turning the TV up as a photo of Alison's mom comes on screen.
'Though police have yet to comment offically, inside sources speculate that the former Radley Patient could be responsible for the unsolved murder of his mother, Jessica Dilaurentis. One of the first responding officers on the scene suffered minor injuries in pursuit of the suspect.'
"Did you know about this?" Aria asks Ali.
"No." Ali answers.
"You should probably ask your dad." Spence tells her.
"Yeah, like he'd give a straight answer." Hann says.
"Hanna!" I say.
"What?" She replies.
"It's ok, Lea." Ali tells me.
"Ok, well if it is true, it's awful." Em says. "Ali's mom is pratically the only person who visited him, who even knew Charles existed."
"And he used her to fertilise Spencer's petunias." Hann says.
"Hanna!" I say again.
"Charles is vicious. We all know that. And now everyone else knows it to." Hann says.
"We had birthday cake. That day at the arcade where Jason and I met him." Ali says. "Charles gave me his froasting. How does that turn into vicious?"
"We're probably done watching this, right?" Aria asks turning off the TV. "Do you remember anything else?"
"He cried when it was time to leave." Ali says. "Said it was the best birthday he ever had. The person they're describing on the news. I mean, I don't even know who that is."
"You play skeeball once, I wouldn't call that family bounding." Hann says.
"Oh my god, Hanna! Just be quiet!" I tell her getting annoyed.
"Jeez Lea. Calm down." Hann says causing me to roll my eyes.
"I thik what Hanna is trying to say is that it is hard for us to imagine that 'A' is actually your brother." Spence says.
"No, what's hard to imagine is that you feel even the slightest bit of pity for Charles." Hann says.
"Little harsh, Hann." Aria tells her.
"He has been out for blood, for all of us." Hann replies. "And he's come way to close. More then once."
"We hear you but it's unfair to Ali right now." I tell her.
"Why are you trying to shut me up, Leah?" She asks. "I'm just saying what you're thinking. If you guys are to scared to be honest, then fine. I will do it for you. I'm sorry Alison, I know this must really suck for you, but I'm not going to sit here and help you give 'A' the benefit of the doubt. I hope the police catch him. Because theres nothing worse they can do to him then he did to us."
Hanna then gets up and leaves.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now