75- Cat's cradle

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==========75- Cat's cradleBest Friends Brother- Pretty little liars"I don't know who it is

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75- Cat's cradle
Best Friends Brother- Pretty little liars
"I don't know who it is. How long, how many times until you believe me?"- Mona Vanderwaal

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were currently at the brew going through some of Ali's old things.
"Ok, my mom is not connected to a cockatoo." Hann says.
"Parrot." Em corrects.
"Well that parrot is connected to Ali, Ali is connected to Wilden, Wilden is connected to your mom and us and stuff we don't even know anything about." I point out.
"My mom may have hit him with her car a little but she did not hit Wilden." Hann says.
"Of course not." Spence says.
"Hey, hows youe shoulder?" Aria asks Em.
"I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow." Em answers.
"Why would you take all this stuff?" Hann asks me.
"I took the bird stuff and the rest of the junk to get past Mrs DiLaurentis with Ali's notebooks." I answer.
"We learnt so much from what Ali wrote in Em's bio book. Who knows what could be written in these." Spence says.
"Ah... eat, bake, love." Hann says watching Aria's mom sit with her new boyfriend.
"They look cosy." I say.
"Yeah. They do." Aria says.
"How's Jake?2 Em asks.
"He's nice." She says causing us all to give her unsure looks. "seriously, he's nice. We're seeing eachother tonight."
"Great." Spence says.
"Don't need to say it like that." Aria says.
"I didn't say it like anything." Spene says defensivly.
"Is it weird to be jealous of your mom's love life?" Aria asks looking at her mom again.
"I'm not sure." Em says.
"Hey Lea, could you ditch these some place?" Spence asks. "I don't want Mona to see and start asking us questions."
"Yeah, I'll take it home." I say.
"Where is Mona?" Aria asks.
"I don't know. She wasn't in school." Spence says.
"Not knowing where she is makes me just as nervous as when she is all over us." Em says.
Hanna then pulls a mask out of the box.
"Hey guys, what's this?" Hann asks.
"That's no cuttle- bone." Spence says.
"This was in Ali's room?" Aria asks looking at the mask.
"It was eithere or at her grandmas." I say,
"It doesn't really seem her speed." Hann says.
"Spence." Em says looking towards the door.
"When did she get back?" Aria asks when we all see Melissa.
"Why did she come back?" I ask.
"Yeah, I thought she left for good when Wilden was killed. Mona said she was on the train with Wilden, wouldn't she leave the night he was killed?" Hann asks.
"Mona said she was on the train." Spence says.
"Just because Mona said it doesn't mean it's not true." Hann says before Spencer walks over to her sister.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
It was the day after we saw Melissa at the brew. Me, Aria, Spencer and Emily were currently at Spencer's locker.
"Vienna's a long way to go for some strudel." Spence says.
"Depends on who the baker is." Aria replies as we start heading towards the exit.
"Would she go?" Em asks.
Apparently Ella Montgomery's new boyfriend was going to Vienna for this baker's thing and had asked Ella to go with him.
"well, she said no, but I think she's actually thinking about it." Aria says.
"What do you think about it?" I ask.
""I'm not sure. I mean I miss her not being in the house, I can't even imagine what it would be like if she was on a different continent." She responds as we walk out the school. "Any luck with big birds phone number?"
"No. I plugged it into every reverse directory and search engine I could. But it's a real number, it's going to a real line." Spence says. "But I can't even find a name or even a town."
"Dead end?" Em asks.
"No, not yet." Spence says. "I'm not giving up on it."
"I started going through Ali's notebooks." I tell them. "There's a lot of them. I could use some help."
"I can come over tonight." Aria says.
"I can't tonight. I promised Toby I would help him with something." Spence says.
"I got my doctors appointment then I got work. So I won't be able to either." Em says.
""Ok. I'm sure the two of us can handle it." I say causing Aria to nod in agreement.
"Emily." We look over to see Em's mom coming over. "I thought I'd give you a ride."
"Ok, sure." Em says before turning back to us.
"Now Emily." Her mom says causing Em to go over.
We watch as Emily reluctantly getsin the car after her mom and grabbed her mom trying to drag her there before letting go.
"What is going on?" Aria asks.
"I have no idea." Spence says before walking away.
I stand with Aria for a bit before Aria's phone goes off. She looks at it before showing me.
'Cleaning up Rosewood, one mean mommy at a time. Dig we must.Kisses -A.'

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