05-When reality sets in

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==========05-When reality sets inBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"It will be ok

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05-When reality sets in
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It will be ok. If you need us we are just a call away."- Hanna Marin

Leah's P.O.V
I am still shaking up by the fact that 'A' broke into my house. I'm just happy they didn't take Ali's bracelet because besides photos the bracelet is all I have left of Ali.
I was sitting at the kitchen island with Spencer, Hanna and Emily while Aria sat on the sofa a little bit away from us as she looks at a letter.
"'A' sent this letter to my mom." She tells us.
"You know it's not your fault, right?" I ask. "I mean I knew and could have told her but I didn't."
"Wait you knew?" Spencer asks.
"Yeah I was with Aria when it happened." I answer. "It wasn't my place to say anything so I didn't."
"Which I am thankful for." Aria tells me.
"It's your dad mistake, totally." Emily tells her.
"Bud it is my fault." Aria says.
"You did not hook up with her and then ask your kid to cover for you." Spencer says.
"Ali said I should have told my mum right after it happened." Aria says.
"Ali? Alison knew as well?" Emily asks.
"Yeah, she was with us." I tell her.
"So, Alison saw this Meredith person?" Spencer asks.
"Meredith? Her name is Meredith?" Hanna asks i a judgemently voice. "Ew! That's not even a cute girl name. I'm seeing big pores and mousy roots."
"Hanna, I think it's a little to soon to joke." I tell her.
"I'm sorry, but if you're going to cheat, you might as well do it with somebody who deep-conditions her hair occasionally." Hanna replies.
"Here, put something in your mouth besides your foot." Spencer says handing Hanna a crossaint which was on the table.
Hanna rolls her eyes before turning to Aria.
"I'm sorry, ok." Hanna tells her. "Look all I'm saying is when my dad left, laughing sometimes helped. So did crying."
"My father hasn't left, guys." Aria says getting up and joining us at the table. "I mean, this happened over a year ago." We all stay silent and avoid eye contact with her. "You think he's going to leave?"
"Look, whatever happens, we're here for you." Emily tells her.
There a few minutes of silence until I speak up.
"Thank you, guys, for staying here." I tell them. "I couldn't of been here alone."
"When's you family getting back?" Hanna asks.
"hey messaged last night saying they will be back this afternoon." I reply.
"Weren't you going to vlean off the mirror before they get here?" Aria asks.
I look at them nervously not really wanting to go up there alone.
"Want me to come with?" Emily asks.
I nod before going to get ready to go.
"We should all go." Aria says.
"Uh, yeah you know what." Hanna says as me, Aria, Spencer and Emily go to walk away. "It doesn't take five of us to clean a mirror, so why don't you four go and I'll wait here?"
"Fine." Spencer says.
"You stay down here. Alone." I finish.
"But make sure you lock the door." Aria says.
"Great. You spray, I'll wipe." Hanna says following us to the bottom of the stairs as she does her phone goes off. She looks to see it's from 'A'. "Wel,, the creatures back. We should've never unblocked our phones."
'Ever wonder what's going on when your back is turned-A'
There was a attachment attatched to the message.
"Open the attachment." Emily tells hanna.
Hanna opens a attachtment and we see a video of us from inside my wardrobe as we looked at the mirror.
"That's us!" I say.
"Was that shot from inside your closet?" Aria asks me.
We look up the stairs before turning to eachother.
"'A' was watching us." Spencer says.

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