32- 'A'-ngel

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==========32- 'A'-ngelBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Jason is dangerous, Leah

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32- 'A'-ngel
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Jason is dangerous, Leah."- Spencer Hastings

Leah's P.O.V
I was sat in the cafeteria with Aria when Emily comes up to us.
"Why are your guys phones off? I was trying to reach both of you all night!" Em says coming snd sitting with us.
"I'm sorry I was trying to avoid someone's call." Aria says. "I told Leah to turn her phone off as well so they didn't call her asking for me."
"I need to talk to you both about Jason." Em tells us.
"Well, I need to talk to you about Jason." Aria says before looking around then leaving in so we could hear her whisper. "He kissed me."
"Aria!" Em says.
"I know, it was a mistake." She says.
"When did this happen?" I ask.
"Last night." She replies. "Look, I was trying to figure out a way to tell you guys. I totally don't know how to tell  Ezra. Do I even tell him?"
"Aria, Jason has pictures of you." Em tells her before looking at me "Both of you. Creepy pictures."
"What?" I ask.
"Spencer and I found a darkroom in his woodshed, ok?  He's developed photos of you guys sleeping."
"Sleeping?" Aria asks.
"Sleeping or drugged." Em answers.
"Ok, we'll I'm officially terrified." Aria says.

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