67- Broken- hearted

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==========67- Broken- heartedBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"No

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67- Broken- hearted
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"No. No way. Not until I know you are safe."- Jason DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Em, Hann and Aria were stood at my locker talking about how none of us have seen Spencer all day.
"Did she show up to AP englush. Was she even here today?" Em asks.
"I think we would know ifSpencer was here. People would be running for cover." I say causing the three of them to look at me. "What? She's hurting and when people are hurting they lash out. I mean look at me. I lashed out a couple months ago. Just give her some space."
"Wehave. But she's living on planet freefall." Hann says as I close my locker.
"Have you talked to Toby?" Aria asks Em while we start walking down the corridor.
"Well, I have left him a ton of messages. I think we are going to have to find out what went down from Spencer." Em explains.
"You guys can do that. I'm not talking to her until she get's her head on straight." I tell them.
"She needs all of us there for her, Leah." Hann tells me.
"Yeah, well she should have thought of that before she completely ruined things between me and Jason." I respond.
"Have you talked to Jason since?" Aria asks.
"I'm going to try popping over after school." I tell them.
"Maybe I can get some cupcakes and show up at her house." Em says.
"She doesn't have the flu. She doesn't need ragmags and junk food." Hann says. "She needs to work through the pain notcover it up."
"hmm, ok Dr Hanna." Aria says. "Pretty sure when you and Caleb broke up, you locked yourself in your bedroom for two weeks and all you ate was eskimo pies."
"They were skinny cows and it was four days. Besides I'm not Spencer. I would ditch school for a hang nail." Hann says.
"That's true." I say with a laugh.
"Yeah well I'm going over there." Em says.
"You need to tell her what you remember about theblond in the red coat." Aria tells her.
"And give her a riddle. She needs to use that part of her brain again." I add.
"Yeah, and tell her I think I saw her too." Hann says.
"Saw who?" Aria asks as we stop walking.
"Wehn I went into the fake interview, I could have swore I saw a blond in a red coat staring at me across the street." Hann explains.
We then all look over and see Spencer and Andrew Campell talking, well more like arguing. Spencer walks away after confronting Mona about something, I can only guess that she got cut from the team.
"I got this." Em tells us as we watch Spencer walk away.

At the brew...

Leah's P.O.V
J was on my way to Jason's after school but I decided to stop by the brew as I know Emily would be working and Hann and Aria would most likely be there to. When I walk in a smile at Em who was cleaning tables before going over to Aria and Hann.
"Hey." I say.
"Hey Lea." Aria says. "I thought you were going to Jasons."
"I am. I just thought I'd stop by." I answer. "So what's going on?"
"Well, I'm going to get my mom to talk to the teacher who runs the decathalon team, Hanna's trying to find out where Caleb's uncle works because she mthinks he might be his dad, and Ezra's mom just called me asking if Wes was hiding out at Ezra's." Aria says.
"Why does Mrs Fitz think Ezra's little brother is hiding out at his apartment?" I ask.
"Because he is." Hann says.
"Wow. That's a lot to take in." I say before I spot Cece. "Oh Cece's here. I'm going to go say hi."
I then walk away from Aria and Hann and over to Cece.
"Hey Cece." I say with a smile.
"Leah! Hey sweetie." she replies hugging me with one arm as she was holding a coffee with her other hand. "I haven't seen youin ages. How have you been?"
"I've been ok. I've been over in England for a couple weeks at a camp." I answer. "How have you been?"
"I've been good." She replies.
"Cece?" I turn around to see Em.
"Omg. I never texted you back." Cece says as Em walks over to us.
"No, that's ok. Can I stop by later?" Em asks.
"I got to run. I'm meeting some photographer I hired for the store website. Everything ok?" Cece asks.

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