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==========21-Spyed onBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Mike I promise you there is nothing and if there was I would tell you

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21-Spyed on
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Mike I promise you there is nothing and if there was I would tell you."- Leah Hart.

Leah's P.O.V
I was at the grille with the girls. It was a but awkward between me and Hanna after what happened this morning but I twas trying to ignore her as much as I could.
"Do you think somebody rubbed that sweater on your bracelet?" I ask Spencer after she had told us everything that had happened with her at home.
"Somebody. Try Ian. He's doing everything he can to make you look guilty." Emily replies. "Your parents should hire you a 24 hour body guard."
"What about Jenna?" Aria suggest. "What if she paid Caleb to get that bracelet?"
"Wait when was Caleb in Spencer's house?" Emily asks.
"He doesn't need a invitation Em. He broke into a vending machine with a spork." I remind her.
"Guys..." Spencer say looking out the window. "I think somebody's watching us."
"Those are for the founding festival." Aria tells us.
"If those are what Rosewoods founders looked like how dod they get anyone to move here?" I ask.
"And why were they allowed to reproduce?" Spencer adds.
"Guys, If Caleb was..." Emily starts.
"Can we stop using the 'C' word?" Hanna snaps cutting Emily off.
"We know this is hard for you, ok. But we need to talk about Ca... him." Aria tells her.
"If we want to help Spencer, we have to know what Caleb knows." Em adds.
"Guys, there is definitly someone out there." Spencer says.
"What if me, Em and Leah corner Caleb. Not in school, but somewhere that is Jenna- free." Aria suggests ignoring what Spencer had just said.
"If Caleb is going to talk to anyone, it's going to be me." Hanna responds.
"Will you do it?" Em asks.
"To help Spencer, sure." Hanna says.
"Thanks Han." Spencer says.
We all get up and walk towards the door besides Spencer who was looking out the window.
"Spence, you coming?" I ask.
"Yeah." Spencer replies before walking over to us.

I was walking back to Aria's with her as I was going to be saying over there for a few nights whule my parents were in Hawaii finalising some things for my grandparents funeral. I would fly out to Hawaii in a few days time and get there a couple nights before.
"Mike told me what happened with you and Hanna." Aria tells me.
"I guess he would have." I replied.
"Well, he isn't talking to me at the moment cos of what happened with our parents so I'm lucky he even told me that." Aria explains. "He really does care about you. He told me the only reason he was telling me was so I could put Hanna in her place and if I didn't do it he would."
"I care about him to. But, please. I know what could happen if you do but, Mike needs to know about you and Ezra. I know about all of this stuff and its hard keeping it from him." I tell her.
"I know. And I will tell him soon. I promise." Aria says as we get to her house.
We go inside and say hi to her dad before we go upstairs. Aria goes to her room and I tell her I would be there in a bit before going to Mikes.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at my locker when Caleb walks up to me.
"Got a second?" He asks.
"Um..." I say looking behind me. "Sure."
"Look, I don't know what Hanna told you..." He says before I cut him off.
"Everything. She's my best friend." I tell him. It was true she is my best friend no matter how mad at her I am.
"Then maybe you can help me. She's having a hard time hearing how sorry I am." He replies. "She's not taking my calls. She looks the other way when I see her."
"Caleb, have this coversation with Hanna, ok?" I tell him before I close my locker and walk away.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now