35- Halloween 2008

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==========35- Halloween 2008Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Come one Leah, it was only a bit fun

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35- Halloween 2008
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Come one Leah, it was only a bit fun."- Alison DiLaurentis

October 2008 (Halloween before Alison DiLaurentis' disappearance)...

Leah's P.O.V
"This is how I heard the story." Ali says to the little boy who Hanna was baby sitting as Me, Ali and Hanna sit with him at the table. "The twins played so nicely while they waited for their parents to get home. But, they wouldn't get to go trick or treat that night... or ever again."
"Alison! He's going to go home and tell his parents the story and I'm going to get fired!" Hanna says.
"Yeah, Ali maybe you should stop." I tell her.
"Come on, guys, he loves it. Right?" Ali says causing the boy to nod.
"You've been warned." I tell the kid.
"She lifted the knife high into her sister's chest, then plunged it deep into her sister's chest! A sick smile came across her face as she watched the blood ooze out of her sister's heart. And they had no choice but to send her away to a home for the criminally insane. And that's where she remained, until yesterday, when she escaped and vowed to return to Rosewood and stab to death every child who dares to go trick or treating on halloween." Ali says before stabbing the pumpkin infornt of her with the knife in her hand.

October 28, 2008...

Leah's P.O.V
"So what do you think Em. Should Hanna be 'cute Britney' or 'Bald Britney'?" Ali asks as me, Her, Em, Spence, Hann and Aria walk along the streets of Rosewood.
"If she wants to be 'cute Britney'." Em answers.
"Leah?" Ali asks.
"She's not going to shave her head." I reply.
"Spencer, you're wrose then my father." Ali says as Spencer laughs at something on her phone.
"Sorry." Spencer replies putting her phone away and taking her glasses off. "But I did just procure nine votes from the debate team."
"Wait, that's a good thing right?" Hanna asks.
"Yeah. And 'Procured' means to obtain with special effort." Spencer answers. "And 'obtain' means that..."
"Are you going to recite the intre dictionary?" Ali asks cutting her off.
"I think Hanna should be who she wants to be." Aria says changing the subject.
"Fine but you better wear the tightest skinny jeans you can fit your big butt into." Ali says.
Em's phone then goes off.
"Ben?" I ask.
"He's all about me going as a sexy cop for halloween." Em answers. "But I'm thinking Indian girl."
A car then pulls up beside us and we see Noel Kahn and is friends.
"What a shame. All that testosterone and not a sheep in sight." Ali says.
"Careful, Alison, I get your jokes, but someday you might meet a guy who doesn't." He says before looking at Aira. "So am I going to see you at my party on Friday?"
"Um, I didn't know we were invited." Aria replies nervously.
"Your Ali's friends, right?" He asks. Then a car honks at him. "Come prepared to be scared."
We all start giggling and Aria grabs my arm excitedly.
"Wait, did we just get invited to Noel Kahns Halloween bash?" I ask.
"I'm a little embarssed about how excited you girls are." Ali says. "It's just a party."
"Ali, It's not just a party." Spencer says.
"It's THE party!" Aria says.
"You're right and I'm happy we'll be there together." Ali says.
Me, Hanna, Aria, Emily and Spencer all giggle again before the six of us continue walking.

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