69- Out of sight, Out of mind

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==========69- Out of sight, Out of mindBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I'm not giving up on her!"- Hanna Marin ==========

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69- Out of sight, Out of mind
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I'm not giving up on her!"- Hanna Marin

Leah Hart was sitting in her window seat looking out onto her street where kids who lived on the same street walked to their houses. The kids where around 10 or 11 causing Leah to lightly smile as that was the age around when Alison DiLaurentis and Leah first met.
"Miss you Ali." The young girl says to herself.
She slowly takes her eyes away from the window and looks around her room at all the pictures hung up on her walls. Photos of her and her parents, photos of her and both DiLaurentis siblings, photos of her and Mike Montgomery and photos of her and Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, Emily Feilds and Aria Montgomery all filled her walls.
The young girl struggled to think of how complicated her life had become since her best friends death. Since 'A' had entered her life. Sure there had been good times but there had also been a lot of bad. All the Brunette wanted was for her best friend to come back and for things to go back to how they were before 'A' became a part of her life.
The Hart girl slowly stood up and walked over to some of the photos and ran her fingers over the glass. She got to a photo of her and the two DiLaurentis Sibling's which brought tears to her eye.
The DiLaurentis girl was dead, while Leah had not hard from the boy since the elvator accident nearly two weeks ago. Other then a text saying he was ok and staying with a friend out of town Jason DiLaurentis had not bothered to message the girl. It hurt to know that the two DiLauretis children were her firstfriends in Rosewood and she had lost one and was slowly losing the other.
The young girl then started to think about her parents and how they were going to get divorced. She couldn't help but to think it was her fault. It was because of what had been happening to her that they were getting a divorce.
A idea then came to the young girls mind.
She thought that maybe if she wasn't here they wouldn't get a divorce. She could maybe go and find Jason DiLaurentis and spend a few days with him until she finds a place to stay by herself. A safe place.
The girl grabs a bag and starts shoving anything she will definitely need into it. She grabs some money before grabbing her phone turning of her location so no one knew where she was before opening the window. She looks back at her room before going onto the roof right outside her window. She closes the window again before jumping off the roof and running down the street.
_____End of Flashback_____

Back to present time...

Leah's P.O.V
After a few hours I arrive in Virginia. Where Jason was staying with a friend. I know this probably wasn't the best or safest idea. But I had to do it. I couldn't be at home. I have to get away for at least a few days.
I eventually find a coffee shop that I knew was very popular. Jason must come here if it's so popular, right? I go in order a drink and sit down, waiting to see if Jason walks in.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now