125- Songs of innocence

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==========125- Songs of innocence Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Of course I believe him over you

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125- Songs of innocence
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Of course I believe him over you. I know him like the back of my hand. I know when he is and is not lying. And I know he is not lying. So get out!"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
After they had taken Sara Harvey in the ambalance they started taking me, Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer and Mona. But there was still two more people I had to talk to one of them were here.
"Ali." I say quietly.
"Thank god." Ali says hugging me tightly. "Leah, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." I mumble into her shoulder before pulling away. "Ezra told us what you did. Thank you."
"I would've done anything to find you, Lea. I can't and won't lose you." Ali says hugging me again.
I then hear footsteps coming towards us, causing me to look up and see Jason looking around.
"Jason!" I shout getting his attention.
"Oh my god. Leah!" He mumbles then shouts as we run to eachother before I jump into his arms.
"Hey." I whisper.
"Hi." He replies hugging me tightly.
After a while We pull away.
"H-Ho-How did you get here?" I ask.
"Toby messaged me telling me the location you guys were at. I snuck away from my dad. I just has to come and make sure you were ok." He says pulling me into another hug. "You're ok though, right? 'A' didn't hurt you, right?"
I pull away and nod as I press my lips together with tears in my eyes.
"Ask me tomorrow." I say causing him to sigh and pull me into a hug once again.
The others girls had already been taken to their own ambalance before a paramedic comes over to take me over the the last one. Mike had gone with Aria so Ezra was going with me.

The next morning...

Ezra's P.O.V
I'm really worried about Leah. I have been with her since arriving at the hospital but she hasn't said a single word. It's been 12 hours. I had told Leah I was going to see Aria which she just responds with nod, not even looking back up from the book I had got her from the book shop here. I didn't want to leave her alone but she had the cops outside. Their was a cop outside each room that the girls were in for their safety.
"Hey." I say walking into Spencer's room where all the girls, Toby, Caleb, Mike and Jason were.
"Hey. How's Leah doing?" Jason asks.
"Not very well at all. She hasn't spoken once since we got here." I reply with a sigh.
"She barely spoke when we were in there as well. We didn't see or hear from her for weeks. We thought she was dead." Aria tells me.
"I can go try and talk to her." Mike suggests.
"You can try but I have been trying for thepast 12 hours and she hasn't said a word." Ezra says.
"Maybe we should just give her some time. She's probably not ready to talk yet. We should just give her some space and be here when she is ready." Toby suggests.
"I still want to go see her." Mike says before getting up and leaving the room.
I sigh before sitting in the seat Mike had previosuly been sat in.

Mike's P.O.V
I walk into Leah's room to see her looking down at her book. I slowly walk over and sit in the seat next to her bed that she was sat up on. She looks at me and gives me a small smile before turning back to the book.
"We're all worried, Leah. We understand if you don't want to talk much. We just want you to be ok. We want to be able to help you. But, we can't do that if you don't talk to us." I tell her. She just continues to read the book as if she didn't hear me. "Lea, please."
I sigh after she doesn't say anything again. I stand up and kiss her on the forehead before walking to the door. I look back at her, still reading her book, I then leave the room.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now